Occupied Restaurant In Russia Floats Away On Ice Sheets Photo: Vladimirovic (Getty Images) So you found a tiny hair in your salad and now you want your entire dinner for…
13-Year-Old Finds Danish King’s 1000-Year-Old Treasure In Germany Photo: AlexSava (Getty Images) Get this kid a spot on The Goonies reboot. Ever wish you could stumble upon a huge treasure…
Ugandan President Wants To Ban Oral Sex Because ‘The Mouth Is For Eating’ Photo: g-stockstudio (Getty Images) Let me first start off by saying, yes, the mouth sure is a great tag team partner…
This Tiny, Remote Island Is 4x More Densely Populated Than Manhattan A life without privacy, police or Tinder.
Italian Anthropologists Discover Medieval Man Replaced Amputated Hand With Knife Photo: Nantapok (Getty Images) Well it looks like a man with a knife for a hand isn’t just something out of…
Teen In India Arrested After Pretending To Be Doctor For 5 Months Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images Just call him the Frank Abagnale of India… According to Hindustan Times, a 19-year-old has been arrested for…
5-Story Penis Mural Painted In Stockholm Won’t Be ‘Up’ Much Longer Photo: sleepyz (Getty Images) And yes, I am very proud of that headline. According to Mashable, a five-story blue penis mural has…
Judge In Australia Rules Boss ‘Farting On Employee’ Isn’t Bullying Photo: AH86 (Getty Images) Reason for leaving your previous job? Oh, you know, my boss just enjoyed farting on me. And that’s…
8 Cops In Argentina Fired After Claiming Mice Ate Half A Ton Of Missing Weed Photo: janp013 (Getty Images) Forget cheese, apparently mice sure are into weed. According to The Guardian, eight Argentinian cops have been given…