In Taiwan, Claw Machines Are People There has to be a better way to stuff your face with chips. But we don't want to know it.
Thai Airways Doesn’t Want Overweight People In Their Business Class Well, maybe Virgin Atlantic will accept me.
Find Out Bartenders’ Dream Drink Destinations Bartenders work hard. They stand behind bars for long shifts, mixing, shaking, and crafting amazing, swoon-worthy, Instagrammable cocktails. They love…
You’ll Be Able To Bring Heroin And Cocaine Into The World Cup Games In Russia This Summer Russia is the world's version of Florida.
Microsoft Named One of Most Ethical Companies In the World A weak consolation for when Windows freezes up the third time in a day.
The World Is Running Out Of Tequila So How Do We Deal With Life Now? Time to look for another stronger option.
Bird Gets Lost In Galapagos Islands And Accidentally Starts New Species What else are you going to do when you're stranded on an island?
The 8 Dumbest Superstitions From Around The World As a blind prophet once said, "Superstition ain't the way."