Want Final Fantasy on Vita? Let Square Enix Know "Fan demand" is the key to the series reaching new platforms.
Nintendo Has Already Sold Me on the New 3DS, and Here’s Why A certain blockbuster game may have already convinced me to upgrade.
There Will Be Almost 700 Games Compatible with PlayStation TV When It Launches in October Our favorite games made the list. Did yours?
If Final Fantasy XV Plays as Great as It Looks, Then Square Enix’s Return to Form Will Be Complete A great trailer goes a long way, but the end result needs to deliver.
TGS 2014: Final Fantasy XV Demo Announced, Tetsuya Nomura Is No Longer Directing the Project There's good news, and there's bad news. But not that bad.
TGS 2014: Square Enix Just Debuted a New Final Fantasy XV Trailer Now this is what we want out of new consoles.
Hyrule Warriors Review – Clash of Titans "If you've ever found yourself wishing Nintendo would lighten up a bit and give fans something to play while waiting…
Driveclub Can Now Be Pre-Ordered by PlayStation Plus Members for $50 Sony's membership is proving fruitful once again.
Murasaki Baby Review – Parenting 101 "Murasaki Baby isn’t flawless, but enjoying its unique brand of slightly-gothic playfulness is more of a conscious decision than something…