SHAMELESS 4.11 ‘Emily’ Frank gets back to his really old self after surgery while Lip makes an impression on his girlfriend's parents.
DA VINCI’S DEMONS 2.02 ‘The Blood of Brothers’ Da Vinci helps Lorenzo use his voice to thwart Rome's plans for Florence.
THE AMERICANS 2.05 ‘The Deal’ Philip gets to know his Israeli counterpart while the rezidentura negotiates for a brilliant physicist.
SHAMELESS 4.10 ‘Liver, I Hardly Know Her’ Fiona loses herself in Wisconsin, Frank gets a liver and Lip has a heart.
DA VINCI’S DEMONS 2.01 ‘The Blood of Man’ Rome tightens its grip on Florence as da Vinci attempts to save Lorenzo's life.
GRIMM 3.16 ‘The Show Must Go On’ Nick and his friends investigate a carnival freak show that's all too real.
THE AMERICANS 2.04 ‘A Little Night Music’ Elizabeth seduces a sailor who could lead her and Philip to Emmett and Leann's killer.
SHAMELESS 4.09 ‘The Legend of Bonnie and Carl’ Fiona looks for work, Frank defies death and Carl finds love.
GRIMM 3.15 ‘Once We Were Gods’ The Council calls on Nick when an ancient discovery in Portland upsets Wesen.
BANSHEE 2.10 ‘Bullets and Tears’ Hood and Carrie pursue Rabbit while back in Banshee, Rebecca makes a bloody power play.