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The bastard child of Black Sabbath and Black Flag has arrived.

We pick a few of the characters from Robert Kirkman's epic zombie comic book whom we want to see on…

Firmly rooted in hardcore, Concrete Cross' relentless speed and rage gives new hope to the genre.

Evil metal cloaked in 80s darkness? We're in.

Bane is invading Gotham City, and the Arkhamites are too crazy to unite against him.

Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo continue to redefine the history of Batman in fantastic ways.

If you haven't embraced their relationship yet, it's time to start, because they're redefining the power couple.

Having patience with Greg Rucka's new series has paid off, as the story begins to jump off the page.

The anthology series continues with a variety of creators taking on the Dark Knight.

James Robinson's final issue leaves us with a bang heard round his world.
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