To use a popular part of the slang patois, shit just got real up in Earth 2.
While Earth 2 was part of Villains Month, the separate dimension is not currently involved with Forever Evil. That being said, the Earth 2 folks have their own set of problems. Namely, Steppenwolf, a galactic warrior who was once the great high marshal of war for Darkseid. Steppenwolf has decided to unleash a good old-fashioned ass whooping on the world, staring with the World Army. The entire army steps up to Steppenwolf, and within sixty minutes are slaughtered. This guy was war marshal for Darkseid. Not a whole lot is going to bring him down.
Cue the rag-tag group of heroes who are trying to work together. Green Lantern, Flash, Dr. Fate, Atom, Sandman and a few others. Together, they might stand a chance against Steppenwolf, but not against the man and his dogs of war. Beguiler, Bedlam, and most specifically Brutaal. The three dogs and their master spell certain doom for Earth 2. Except that the heroes rally. Not so much to act as the fist of justice, but more focusing on those who suffer.
Writer James Robinson is attempting to set up a new sect of heroes. The point of Earth 2 since issue #1 has been to follow the evolution from “people with powers” to actual heroes. The first rule there is that rescue takes precedence over battle. While Steppenwolf and his dogs unleash hell, our heroes rescue the innocent and protect Earth 2. When the weak had been protected, then savagery began. Green Lantern swept up and unleashed on Steppenwolf. Carrying his anger and sadness over the death of his lover, GL fought bravely, as did his comrades. Even with all their courage, the team could not stand up to the brutality of Steppenwolf.
Then things take an interesting turn. Steppenwolf, confident in his victory, begins a speech that takes condescending braggadocio to a new level. Just as he hits his peak, just as the speech is coming to a war-cry crescendo, Steppenwolf is slaughtered by Brutaal. One of his own dogs of war splits the warrior in half with heat vision. Wait, heat vision? No. It couldn’t be! Yep. Remember how all the original heroes of Earth 2 died during the battle with Apokolips? Well, Superman is back, he’s pissed off and, apparently, he now serves Darkseid. Like I said. It just got very real on Earth 2.
Not enough can be said of Nicola Scott’s art. She really outdoes herself here. While Robinson’s subtext is heroism and surprise, Earth 2 #16 is all action. Scott unleashes the fury of Steppenwolf with strong lines and bursts of violence. Every panel here brings a new level of chaos to the issue. Scott works in so much detail and tension to every page. Her panel layouts are wonderful, and they work to heighten the action and movement. Kudos must also go out to colorist Pete Pantazis and inker Trevor Scott. Their contributions to this issue are key.
Earth 2 continues to be the hidden gem in the New 52 treasure chest. A visceral, smart and exciting series for sure. Worst part of all of this, though? Earth 2 #16 is James Robinson’s last issue. **shudder**

(4.5 Story, 5 Art)