10 Inventions That Would Have Been Better Off Never Existing We may even love some of these contraptions, but we're not sold on their benefit to humanity. We run down…
The Mandatory Survival Guide to Living in America With No Income or Insurance We've got plenty of tips and tricks to help you live through the dumpster fire known as 2020.
Are You ‘Cognitively There?’ Take the Brain-Busting Test President Trump Has Been Bragging About Here are 10 questions based on the MOCA to tell if you're as cognitively there as President Trump.
Harry Styles Rocking Hairy Mustache Makes Us Think We Should Too (While It’s Acceptable) Here's a list of 10 manly dudes who, like Harry Styles, aren't letting haters stop their stubble.
Michael Imperioli and Steve Shirripa ‘Talking Sopranos’ Rehashes Standard-Definition TV in Modern Podcast It’s been 13 years since 'The Sopranos' ended and fans still won't fuhgeddaboudit.
10 Signs It’s Time to Get Back to Your Quarantine Bubble While none of us wants to go through another lockdown, it seems 2020 isn't done with us yet.
CBD Summer: The Very Best CBD Products For Maxin’ the Relaxin’ (And Making It Through Anxiety-Ridden Pandemics) This summer, let a friendly, non-psychoactive cannabinoid be your chill pill.
Cringeworthy Photos of Ghislaine Maxwell Hobnobbing with Famous Degenerates (Plus Jeffrey Epstein Definitely Killed Himself) There is cringe, and then there is like really cringe. We explore Ghislaine's weird relationship with Epstein, celebrities and some…
RANKED! The 10 Most Destructive Hacks in American History Hacks are never as cool or funny as they seemed in goofy '90s movies starring Angelina Jolie.
The LeBron James Pandemic Jam Rules For Playing Basketball During a Health Crisis LeBron James didn't become basketball's GOAT by ignoring doctors.