There is cringe, and then there is like really cringe. Episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm are one level. An older relative loudly arguing politics at a family reunion is another. Beyond both is the story of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.
Before you proceed, know you may have to take a shower after reading this total ick story. You’ve probably heard of Epstein, the wealthy financier turned child sex trafficker. In 2008, he pled guilty to charges related to child sex trafficking. His wealthy and powerful friends helped him with a get-out-of-jail-free card. You thought those were only a thing in Monopoly? Epstein faced even worse charges in 2019 before he definitely committed suicide.
The get-out-of-jail-free cards aren’t permanent, so buyer beware. But, how did Epstein befriend people like Donald Trump, Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew in the first place? His relationship with British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell is one big reason. The couple is a little like the evil version of the Ross and Rachel relationship from Friends. Except instead of a baby keeping them together, it’s a child sex trafficking ring. Well, maybe this isn’t the best metaphor. Like, maybe they’re a power couple from hell? The point is Maxwell helped Epstein. We explore Ghislaine’s weird relationship with Epstein, celebrities and some pretty cringey crimes.
Cover Photo: Davidoff Studios Photography / Contributor (Getty Images)
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Ghislaine Maxwell
Ghislaine and Epstein
The twisted pseudo-love story of Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell is ickier than any movie, even 2009’s The Human Centipede. It seems Maxwell went from Epstein’s girlfriend to his madame over time, which is even grosser than the transformation of the annoying Apple ad guy into a walrus in 2014’s Tusk.
Epstein’s Definitely Killed Himself
After being arrested, Epstein first shared a cell with Jersey Shore-reject Nick Tartaglione, a murderer and former police officer you wouldn't want to be trapped in a cage with. However, Epstein was alone when he committed suicide in his cell last August.
Epstein's Little Birds
Epstein’s suicide could have buried many of his secrets, but Maxwell’s ongoing trial is revealing them anyways. What the pair were really up to is only starting to come to light, but you know it’s some creepy Eyes Wide Shut stuff.
Trump and Maxwell
In a recent press conference at the White House, when asked about Ghislaine Maxwell, President Trump said, “I've met her numerous times over the years,” and added, "I just wish her well, frankly.” Some worry Trump may pardon Maxwell to buy her silence as he did Roger Stone, but only time will tell.
Mick Jagger
This image of Mick Jagger and Maxwell is from a public dinner for an art show in 2011. Of course, just 'cause they had one picture taken together a decade ago doesn’t prove Mick did anything wrong, but it sure is embarrassing.
Elon Musk
Elon Musk claims Maxwell photobombed him at an afterparty for the Oscars in 2014 in this now infamous picture. Some evidence suggests Musk isn’t being entirely truthful, with his ex-wife claiming he visited Epstein’s house in Manhattan, but you could understand if she was just pissed about Musk and Grimes.
Prince Andrew
If you need proof democracy is better than monarchy, then just look at the human proof of inbreeding's dangers Prince Andrew of Great Britain. Recently unsealed documents from Maxwell’s case allege the prince lobbied the U.S. government for a “favorable” deal for Epstein’s 2008 conviction for soliciting a minor for prostitution.
Chelsea Clinton's Wedding
Epstein and Maxwell have links to not one, but two weird old horny presidents. Clinton and Epstein were said to be friends, and Maxwell attended Chelsea Clinton’s wedding in 2010, which is where the above super creepers photo was taken.
Michael Bloomberg
We’re not sure what’s more embarrassing about this pic: that Michael Bloomberg is hobnobbing with an alleged child sex trafficker or the reminder of his humiliating failure as a presidential candidate? The above photo was taken in 2013 at a party in New York which sounds like a bizarro version of a Sex and the City plot.
Kevin Spacey
And just when you thought the story couldn’t get any creeper, then comes Kevin Spacey. This 2002 photo of Maxwell and Spacey was taken in Queen Elizabeth’s London residence, and Prince Andrew is said to be the one who invited the pair for their ironic future evil villains photoshoot.