Meanwhile in Catholicism: Bishop Quits the Cloth to Grind Out Some Satanic Erotic Fiction, Take a Guess What His First Title Will Be A Spanish Bishop who previously supported the practice of gay conversion therapy has quit, but not why you might thing.…
Mandatory TikTok: The Funniest Fails of the Week 9-30-21 Forget scrolling forever. We've collected the funniest TikTok fails you may have missed and compiled them all here for you…
Meanwhile at Disneyland: Public Urinator Refuses to Leave, Everything Already Smells Like Piss She Didn’t Think Anyone Would Notice Lines take time. Especially when those lines are at Disneyland. So one woman decided to skip the bathroom line and…
College Student Pees on Sugar Daddy For $10K, Discovers He’s Her Professor (Guess She’ll Be Getting a Passing Grade) You know, for every end there's a beginning. This is what an Arizona State University student discovered on her first…
Mandatory TikTok: The Most Amazing Dog Videos of the Week 9-28-21 Forget scrolling forever to find what you're looking for. We've collected all the best dog TikTok videos you probably missed…
Mandatory TikToks: The 10 Sexiest Videos of the Week 9-27-2021 Forget scrolling forever. We've collected the sexiest TikTok videos you may have missed and compiled them all here for you…
Mandatory Hacks: Your Weekly TikTok Tip to Improve Your Mildly Pathetic Life Finally have photos that pop with this 30-second TikTok photo editing hack that will change how you look. No, seriously,…
Mandatory TikTok: The Funniest Fails of the Week 9-21-21 Forget scrolling forever. We've collected the funniest TikTok fails you may have missed and compiled them all here for you…
Mandatory TikTok: The Most Amazing Dog Videos of the Week 9-16-21 Forget scrolling forever to find what you're looking for. We've collected all the best dog TikTok videos you probably missed…
Meanwhile in Tennessee: Man Cuts Off His Penis and Tosses It at Police, And We’re Not Sure What to Do With That (Neither Were They) There's a lot of ways to react to being pulled over and none of them should end with cutting your…