Meanwhile in India: Man Dies After Gluing His Penis Hole Shut, And Now Our Worst Nightmares Are Real Let it be said that glue is not a form of birth control. And using said glue to seal the…
Weird News Update: Son Who Sued Parents For Trashing His Porn Stash Actually Won, Judge Apparent Advocate For Staying Old School Horny David Werking asked his parents to send him the 12 boxes he left in their basement. Instead of just sending…
Man Who Married Sex Doll Cheats on It With Ashtray, Doll Technically Entitled to Half His Cheeto Crumbs and Stolen Underwear Yuri Tolochko wowed the internet when he announced he was marrying his sex doll, Margo, last November, but now claims…
Mandatory TikTok: The Most Amazing Dog Videos of the Week 9-10-21 Forget scrolling forever to find what you're looking for. We've collected all the best dog TikTok videos you probably missed…
Mandatory Hacks: Your Weekly TikTok Tip to Improve Your Mildly Pathetic Life Want one of those cool, neon signs you see all over TikTok but don't want to spend hundreds of dollars?…
Mandatory TikToks: The 10 Sexiest Videos of the Week 9-08-2021 Forget scrolling forever. We've collected the sexiest TikTok videos you may have missed and compiled them all here for you…
Mandatory TikTok: The Funniest Fails of the Week 9-07-21 Forget scrolling forever. We've collected the funniest TikTok fails you may have missed and compiled them all here for you…
Meanwhile on Tinder: Man Brings Mother’s Ashes With Him on the World’s Worst First Date If you're looking to impress your next Tinder date don't do what this man did and bring your mother's ashes…
Meanwhile on TikTok: Stripper Launders Money the Old Fashioned Way (With Dawn Soap) Where has your money been? No seriously. Take that cash out of your wallet and put it in a ziplock…
Mandatory TikTok: The Most Amazing Dog Videos of the Week 9-1-21 Forget scrolling forever to find what you're looking for. We've collected all the best dog TikTok videos you probably missed…