Penny Pincher: 7 Funny Ways To Deal With Your Cheap Friends These small-time cons will have your cheap friend paying their way in no time.
Sex Robot Brothel Comes Up Short on Mixing Business With Weird Pleasure A female entrepreneur thinks you want to build a relationship with a sex robot before you do whatever weird stuff…
This Weed Container Is the Dank Piggybank That Keeps Fresh Bud From Becoming Duds Keep your weed fresher with this container.
Smokin’ Strategy: 6 Smart Ways to Stretch Your Weed Until Payday We all know that sinking feeling when the weed jar is almost cleaned out. Well, never again after this.
CBD Everything: From Coffee and Cat Treats to Jerk-Off Creams If you can eat it, drink it, wear it or sleep with it, it can have CBD in it, too.
Footloose: What Your Girlfriend’s Shoes Say About Her Sex Style The footwear your lady sports most often is like a decoder ring into her sexual style.
Ew: 7 Things You’re Not Cleaning (And It’s Making Your Place Gross As Hell!) Start cleaning these overlooked items and tone down the gross in your life.
Smoke Space: 8 Man Den Must-Haves For Your Kush Pad Prove you're a stoner with class and taste by designing a man den that's the perfect smoking lounge.
7 Smart and Easy Grilling Hacks To Master While The Ice Begins To Melt A well-rounded man understands the importance of mastering the grill.