World Thinking Day | There are Only Four Ways of Thinking On World Thinking Day, Crave thoughtfully offers a few thoughtful thoughts on thinking.
Be Humble Day | Show Off Your Humility! Today is National Be Humble Day. In other words, it's a holiday you can't celebrate on the internet.
Why So Long? | ‘Dawn of Justice’ and Blockbuster Runtimes The final runtime of the anticipated superhero flick has been announced, and it may be longer than you think.
New Low-Budget Argentinian Film Plays with DC’s Superhero Characters More than a fan film, Argentina's 'Kryptonite' re-imagines The Justice League as street-level vigilantes.
George Washington’s Birthday | Watch ‘George Washington’ George Washington's birthday is the perfect time to discover David Gordon Green's amazing 2000 film 'George Washington.'
Now Streaming | Best Picture Winners from the ’80s and ’90s Time to brush up on your Oscar education by watching these Best Picture winners, all available instantly.
SoundTreks | Marie Antoinette – Disc 1 Any multiple-volume soundtrack record probably rocks. How much does the first half of the OST of 2006's 'Marie Antoinette' rock?…
Love Your Pet Day | The Odd Phenomenon of Cat Prin Today is national Love Your Pet Day. Strap your cat into a strait-jacket of love.
The Odd Origin of Random Acts of Kindness Day Where did this epidemic of kindness and altruism begin?
Do A Grouch a Favor Day | A Brief Oral History of Oscar the Grouch On National Do A Grouch a Favor Day, Crave looks at everyone's favorite grouch.