The Shaw Bros. Will Make a Glorious Comeback to Film A Hong Kong TV station is resurrecting the famous martial arts movie studio and putting seven new films into production.
Hugh Jackman to Play Wolverine ‘One Last Time’ After appearing as Wolverine in as many as nine films, Hugh Jackman is stepping down.
The B-Movies Podcast #215: Death Camp for Kids! This week, Witney, Alonso Duralde, and Scott Mantz review 'Get Hard,' 'Home,' 'While We're Young,' 'Jauja,' 'White God," and, why…
‘Get Hard’ Review: Offensive or OfFUNsive? 'Get Hard's' affability barely outweighs its offensive stereotypes.
Gene Simmons to Make Horror Movies with The WWE The WWE's film studio and the frontman of KISS are teaming up to form Erebus Pictures, a horror movie studio.
Scorsese and Branagh May Team Up for ‘Macbeth’ Zounds! Branagh's celebrated production of The Scottish Play may get an adaptation from the best American director.
‘Alien Nation’ to Be the Next Big Remake Fox hires the 'Iron Man' screenwriters to bring back the 1988 hit film.
Rogue One, Furious 7, Trainwreck & SXSW 2015 on Most Craved We're at SXSW, and we can't wait until Thursday!