Sundance 2015 Interview: Jason Sudeikis and Leslye Headland Crave sits down with the star and the writer/director of the best romantic comedy to come out of this year's…
Sundance 2015 Interview: Hailee Steinfeld on Ten Thousand Saints [Video] William Bibbiani sits down with the charming - and alluringly be-sweatered - Hailee Steinfeld to talk about punk, cocaine, and…
The 2015 Producers Guild Awards Have Been Announced Birdman takes home the top honors at the PGA Awards. Can an Oscar be far behind?
World’s First Shot-on-iPhone Film to Premiere at Sundance A film called 'Tangerine,' premiering at this years Sundance Film Festival, was filmed using local performers, and three iPhone 5's.
The B-Movies Podcast #206: Your Mother’s Cookies Special guests Christy Lemire and Dave White join The B-Movies Podcast to talk about 'The Boy Next Door,' 'Mortdecai,' 'Strange…
‘Mortdecai’ Review: Grieves and Wooster When Johnny Depp tries to be funny, he fails. In Mortdecai, he spends 106 minutes trying to be funny.
CraveOnline Predicts the Future of Blockbusters What will blockbuster movies look like in the future? CraveOnline predicts.
DreamWorks Animation to Fire 500 People, Cut Production by a Third The popular animation studio is to shrink, and has announced their slate of the few upcoming films they intend to…
The Top-Grossing Movie of 2014 is Now Mockingjay The dystopian blockbuster officially surpasses Guardians of the Galaxy as the year's highest earner.
Simon Pegg to Co-Write Star Trek 3 Scotty, as is completely appropriate, will have a hand in the fate of The Enterprise.