Trolling #53: The Room (Unironically) RULES! Even fans of Tommy Wiseau's The Room call it a bad movie. Trolling has some interesting theories as to why…
‘When the Game Stands Tall’ Review: Unnecessary Blandness Despite having a unique message, When the Game Stands Tall is pretty boring stuff.
Trolling #52: Citizen Kane SUCKS! What better film to troll than the oft-declared The Best Movie of All Time? Trolling finally pokes at Citizen Kane,…
Nine OTHER Great Robin Williams Movies Everyone knows all the Robin Williams classics. These are the great smaller films and supporting roles nobody talks about.
The Essential Lauren Bacall: Eight Classic Films Lauren Bacall lived a long and legendary career. Here are eight of her films you must not miss.
Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles REALLY Look the Best? CraveOnline looks at all five of the Ninja Turtle movies and decides once and for all which one has the…
Editorial: How Adults Stole Kids’ Movies Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is rated PG-13. It seems to us that many kids' movies aren't made for kids anymore.…
Trolling #50: Twilight SUCKS! And RULES! If you love Twilight, it sucks. If you hate Twilight, it rules. For its 50th installment, Trolling trolls two ways…
The Top Seven Movie Raccoons Rocket Raccoon is the latest movie raccoon in a long and pround tradition of movie raccoons.