Free Film School #134: Curing Movie Fatigue Professor Witney Seibold give you some sure-fire salves for curing inevitable movie burnout.
Oscars 2014: The PGA Awards Just Made Everything Worse An unprecedented tie in the PGA Best Picture category just made predicting the Oscars all the more difficult.
Trolling #22: Casino Royale SUCKS! Did the 2006 James Bond film refresh the franchise, or prove to be a sucky stumbling block? Trolling, as always,…
The B-Movies Podcast #155: I See London Witney Seibold and Geekscape's Jonathan London gather to discuss Oscar nominations, talk geeky crap, and review Ride Along, Jack Ryan:…
The Series Project: Jack Ryan (Part 1) In honor of Shadow Recruit, The Series Project tackles the five Jack Ryan films to date, starting with the classy…
Review: Devil’s Due Devil's Due, while another predictable retread, is – I am pleased to report – actually effective as a cheap drive-in…
Oscars 2014 Editorial: How Could They Have Forgotten [Fill in the Blank]!? Witney Seibold examines what films and performaces have been overlooked in 2013's Oscar nominees, and theorizes as to why they…
Oscars 2014: American Hustle, Gravity Lead Nominations — See the Full List! Here they are...the 2014 Oscar nominees in all their perhaps predictable glory. Begin arguing now.
Best Episode Ever # 29: ‘Star Trek: The Animated Series’ This week, guest author Witney Seibold examines the high point of the semi-obscure 'Star Trek' animated series from the 1970s.
Review: The Nut Job 'A cacophony of screaming unfunny characters, sloppy plotting, and uninspired animation.'