Exclusive Interview: John Carpenter Legendary director John Carpenter sits down with CraveOnline to discuss Halloween, basketball, and his ultimate dream job.
Free Film School #122: How to Make Sequels Right, Dammit Professor Witney Seibold has seen a lot of sequels, and has come up with four cardinal rules for how to…
Trolling #9: Gus Van Sant’s Psycho RULES! What's that you say? Gus Van Sant's Psycho may have improved upon Hitchcock's Psycho? We at Trolling declare: Why, yes!
The Series Project: Halloween (Part 2) How can Halloween III suck and rule at the same time? Was Michael Myers' return as great as we all…
Review: Kill Your Darlings Kill Your Darlings, about the young lives of the Beat poets, is plenty energetic, but lacks necessary grit.
Free Film School #121: Technology vs.Screenwriters! FIGHT! Did cell phones ruin storytelling, or do screenwriters just need to be more clever about them? Professor Witney Seibold lectures.
Trolling #8: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World SUCKS! Edgar Wright's 2010 film has been called a important classic of the video game generation. Trolling, true to its nature,…
Exclusive Curse of Chucky Set Visit Videos VIDEO: Witney Seibold visits the set of Curse of Chucky, interviews the entire cast and gets gory with makeup artist…
Review: Zero Charisma Zero Charisma, a new film from Nerdist Industries, uses a fat, mean nerd to illustrate the divide in geek culture.
The Series Project: Halloween (Part 1) The Halloween season calls for the Halloween movies, starting with this week's dissection of the first two.