The Last Guardian Trailer is Difficult to Watch for Dog Owners

A new The Last Guardian trailer was revealed during Sony’s E3 2016 press conference, and if you own a dog, prepare to start feeling a little uncomfortable.

We already know that the game explores the relationship between a boy and his giant dog/bird companion, so we had therefore safely came to the conclusion that it would hit a few emotional notes, probably revolving around the dog/bird facing its own mortality. The trailer confirms these suspicions, showing the boy standing over his monster friend while it breathes heavily, possibly in its death throes. 

As a dog owner, nothing pulls on the heart strings greater than seeing a canine on peril, even if this particular canine happens to have massive wings and talons. I hope for my own sake that The Last Guardian has a happy ending, because judging by my reaction to this trailer, I think that I’ll struggle to deal with the alternative. 

Elsewhere in the trailer, The Last Guardian actually receives an official release date after literal years of delays, with it now being announced for October 25, 2016. Whether or not developers Team Ico manage to stick to this date remains to be seen, but I remain cautiously optimistic.

Watch the trailer below:

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