Detroit: Become Human Trailer Looks to Be the True Heavy Rain Successor

A new Detroit: Become Human trailer was showcased during Sony’s E3 2016 press conference, and for those who were disappointed by Quantic Dream’s Beyond: Two Souls but were fans of Heavy Rain, it looks like the developer has taken the criticisms leveled at them on board. 

With Beyond: Two Souls really limiting player agency by instead choosing to deliver a mostly linear narrative, the new Detroit: Become Human trailer highlights how the game will feature multiple branching paths for its story, with players able to make a myriad of choices in potentially deadly situations. With its Blade Runner inspired plot, which tasks players with assuming the role of androids who are struggling with their sentience, Detroit: Become Human sees Quantic Dream delving into full science fiction territory after having dabbled in the genre in the past.

The trailer also indicates that the game will feature an emphasis upon detective work, showing the player-character investigating a crime scene for clues. As with all Quantic Dream games, its success will be firmly reliant upon the quality of its story, but at least this sees them returning to a less streamlined plot in favor of something that allows the player more freedom, similar to Heavy Rain.

Watch the Detroit: Become Human trailer below:

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