Overwatch Ranked is Broken: Here’s What Needs Fixing

The Overwatch ranked mode is fundamentally broken, with a few oversights on Blizzard’s behalf leading to a frustrating experience for PC players of the game.

The Competitive Play ranked mode, which was recently officially released on PC and will be coming to the PS4 and Xbox One next week, is currently suffering from major problems with its progression system, along with issues with disconnections.

Players are reporting that currently the Control game type is only rewarding players with a 10-20% increase of their Matchmaking Rating (MMR), a fraction of what is rewarded for the other game types. According to a heavily upvoted post on the Overwatch subreddit, you’ll currently need to win 8-10 Control matches in order to make up for one Payload loss, highlighting a huge discrepancy in the rewards for playing both modes. Blizzard’s Scott Mercer acknowledged that the company was investigating into this perceived issue on the game’s forums, writing: “There are legitimate reasons for the magnitude of skill rating change to vary on a match per match basis, but we did get the feedback so we’re investigating to see if there’s a consistent bias or simply an error on Control maps (Ilios, Nepal, Lijiang Tower). If we can identify it, we’ll then work to address it quickly.”

Other players are reporting that Competitive Play doesn’t allow them to rejoin a game if they’ve been disconnected, and even if they are able to do so, the game reportedly counts it as a loss regardless of the end result due to the player disconnecting. 

Blizzard have made an incredible effort to maintain transparency with Overwatch‘s players since the game has launched, so we should expect no difference when it comes to them improving Competitive play. Though players are inevitably a little frustrated right now given how long they’ve been awaiting an Overwatch ranked mode, we’re sure that these problems will be rectified sooner rather than later.

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