Blizzard have unveiled a brand new Overwatch Hero, with Ana the latest Support character to be added to the hugely popular FPS game’s roster. With players having waited for a while now to receive its first DLC, Ana will bolster its roster of Heroes and finally add a new alternative for healers.
With her looking to be one of the more complicated Heroes to master in the game, we’ve created an Overwatch Ana guide in order to outline the basics before she finally makes her way into the game. Take a look below:

An Egyptian bounty hunter, Ana Amari is considered to be one of the best snipers in Overwatch‘s universe, with her operating as Strike Commander Morrison’s second-in-command for many years. However, it was widely believed that she had been killed by Widowmaker during a hostage rescue mission, until finally resurfacing to rejoin the fight (though Widowmaker still managed to take her right eye, which inevitably ensures there’s still bad blood between the two snipers).
Now a 60-year-old badass war veteran, Ana finds herself once again fighting alongside the good guys in order to continue to protect Egypt from the forces of evil.

Ana’s role in Overwatch is to provide long-distance support to allies while still being able to dish out punishment. Overwatch has been crying out for another sniper class to fight against Widowmaker and Ana surely fits this bill, although she possesses a much less selfless approach to victory.
Unlike healing Heroes such as Lucio and Mercy, Ana is most useful when staying out of the heat of the battle, instead healing enemies and dishing out damage from a measurable distance. Though she does have a few tricks up her sleeve if finding herself toe-to-toe with an enemy, she is much less deadly when placed in such a situation and as such should only be utilize by those who are proficient at long-range combat.
With a difficulty rating of three stars, Ana is set to be one of the most complicated Support Heroes to master, though it’s imaginable that she’ll be deadly when placed in the right hands. Though her healing capabilities are certainly more awkward than her peers, if she deals the right amount of damage then she could provide a unique option for those who prefer playing Support, allowing them to help out their allies alongside providing a formidable offensive threat.

Ana is armed with a Biotic Rifle which alongside its standard rounds, also comes equipped with secondary sleep darts. The traditional Biotic Rifle rounds can both restore health to allies or damage enemies, with its scope able to doom in for more accurate shots. Sleep darts tranquilize enemies for period of time, though they will immediately regain consciousness when damage is dealt to them.
Her Biotic Grenade is another weapon that both heals allies and damages enemies, with it doing so in a small area of effect. It also has a neat little second ability in that it increases the amount of health given to allies from other sources, while also prevents enemies from being healed in the process.
Ana can also provide a damage buff in the form of the Nano Boost, with allies benefiting from increased movement speed, higher damage and greater resistance to enemy attacks.