If you’re still looking to make it down to New Orleans in time for the big game, I’ve got a very affordable place for you to stay. The Historic French Market Inn is a quaint building in the heart of the French Quarter. The hotel is within walking distance of all the Big Easy hot spots but charges rates that won’t break the bank. I know this because I stayed there once. The problem was, I booked before I checked out the reviews online. That’s when I learned something: a lot of people do not like the French Market Inn.
I’ve compiled the most brutally honest Trip Advisor reviews about the French Market Inn, many of which I wish I had read before I stayed there. If you think I’m just trolling by selecting only the worst reviews, keep in mind that when I stayed there, there was blood on the carpet in my room and the shower didn’t work. So yeah, these are all pretty accurate representations of the French Market Inn experience.
Let’s start with this cover page for the hotel’s restaurant. It’s a restaurant that doesn’t exist. It’s very fitting that people still use this page to write angry reviews about the hotel, the most recent of which features the phrase “Worst hotel experience I’ve ever had.”

Good for families? Eh. Good for prostitutes? Definitely.

Oooh, 3 stars. (With a couple pubes thrown in for good measure.)

The word “worst” comes up a lot in these…

From here, things just go from worst to worse.

Like I said, I’m not cherry-picking, these two one-star reviews were posted one day apart.

These back-to-back headlines really hammer home how low the standard of living is for college students.

I don’t know what this says, but I can’t imagine “Toilet loopt continu door” is a good thing.