Before you plan another scary movie night, here’s your chance to do your research. Don’t waste another night disappointing your guests with a lackluster horror movie. Take a look through our horror movie bible. I’ve watched pretty much every popular horror movie from the late ’70s on and reviewed them, five-star rating system included.
This earthquake survival tale starring Eli Roth and Selena Gomez seems to have the right idea, but the tone doesn’t fit and the whole thing just turns into a giant mess.
Dark Skies
Aliens torment Kerri Russell and her family in this by-the-book sci-fi thriller that lacks depth and any real emotion. You want to care, but you just can’t.
Evil Dead
Gruesome and intense while staying fun, this remake to the cult classic follows a group of friends who retreat to a remote cabin for an intervention only to accidentally unleash a demon that wants to kill them all.

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters
Surprisingly entertaining take on the classic fairy tale of Hansel & Gretel. It’s a total popcorn movie, which isn’t always a bad thing. Especially with gory fun like this.
Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia
How is this called Haunting in Connecticut while taking place in Georgia? It’s direct to video for a reason. No scares in this haunting, nothing original or interesting.
The Last Exorcism Part II
A bizarre approach for a sequel to the handheld footage style of its predecessor, “The Last Exorcism Part II” finds our Michael Cera-looking possessed girl attending college and still being tortured by a demonic force. It’s disjointed and feels forced.
The Lords of Salem
While it’s difficult to call Rob Zombie’s most ambitious film good or bad, it is definitely interesting. If you’re a fan of his past films the style will be welcomed, but I don’t see him gaining any new fans here.
After two girls are discovered in the woods they go to live with their uncle and his “I’m going to keep reminding you I’m a rocker” girlfriend. While it’s shot beautifully, the story has a ridiculous amount of holes and the ending was so bad, it literally made me angry.
The Purge
In the future, the public is allowed one night where all crime, including murder, is legal. It’s an interesting concept that is ultimately poorly executed with all kills and scares being completely laughable and predictable.
Texas Chainsaw 3D
How many times can studios cash in on the same story? The time they try to make Leatherface some sort of anti-hero. It doesn’t work and the story is as bad as the terrible 3D effects.
ABCs of Death
26 directors were given a letter of the alphabet and $5,000 to make a horror short based on a word that starts with their letter. Obviously not all of them are good, some are just terrible, but it’s at least original and something different. You have to appreciate that.
American Mary
A med student gets involved in a dark and sinister world but unfortunately you won’t care because the characters are dumb and uninteresting.
The Bay
Something in the water is killing everyone and everything in this small bay area town. Some of the found footage in this faux documentary is a little silly, but it does have some scares and a decent amount of suspense.

Cabin in the Woods
Joss Whedon’s tongue in cheek horror film pays homage to the genre while challenging it to push for something beyond the status quo. It’s a completely different take on the concept of promiscuous teens on a camping trip and a must for any horror fan.
The Caller
Mary begins to receive phone calls from an evil woman from the past in this suspense thriller that may not end strong, but builds enough tension you’ll be able to look past it.
Chernobyl Diaries
Jesse McCartney and his pals are hunted by mutants in the abandoned nuclear wasteland of a town in Russia. It’s a cheap cash-in on the found footage concept, but it’s decent enough. Not good but not completely terrible.
Cold Sweat
A surprisingly fun entry from Argentinian director Adrian Garcia Bogilano if your idea of fun involves cannibals and torture. It’s not tremendously scary but the story of a guy trying to find his girlfriend who suddenly disappeared is incredibly intense. This is a nice find for horror fans.
The Collection
The follow-up to the ultra gory “”The Collector,” this one feels a little more like a Saw movie but holds up on its own quite well. This time the collector is operating on a much bigger scale, like chopping everyone in a nightclub into pieces. Not for the faint by any means.
Dark Shadows
Is it a comedy or horror or drama? I’m not sure the filmmakers could answer this question either in the Johnny Depp led vampire tale based on the classic television series. Not exactly what fans had hoped for.
The Devil Inside
A girl searches for answers to what happened to her mother and why she is committed. The only thing that lacks more than scares is a plot. It’s quite painful to watch.
Grave Encounters 2
A total meta-sequel that follows a college student who uncovers that the first film was actually true and there may be survivors in the haunted hospital. It takes a while to really get going but once it does, hold on, you’re in for a great ride.
A terrible zombie movie clone with a bunch of B-listers led by Michael Madsen. It’s like a robot heard what a zombie movie was and tried to produce a script. It’s just plain bad.
John Dies at the End
Based on the cult novel, “John Dies at the End” is extremely difficult to describe but finds a way to be unbelievable fun on what was clearly a microscopic budget. There are inter-dimension battles, monsters made from cuts of meat, mind reading Rastafarians, and Paul Giamatti!
Lovely Molly
Another ultra-creepy film from Eduardo Sanchez, “Lovely Molly” mixes found footage with standard film as we try to figure out what exactly is wrong with Molly. It may be the most overlooked horror film of the year.
Paranormal Activity 4
The weakest entry in the franchise, this time focusing on a teenage neighbor while advancing very little plot to the overall story arc. The scares feel cheap, which is disappointing after the strength of Paranormal Activity 3.
Piranha 3DD
Was anyone really looking for a sequel to Piranha 3D? At least the first one was somewhat fun. This one sucks all the joy out and leaves us with what feels like a bad USA “Up All Night” movie.
The Possession
A man’s daughter opens a box, which causes her to be possessed by an ancient demon. While there are some entertaining parts, it just feels like something is missing. Definitely not as bad as the terrible box office numbers it put up.
The not prequel to “Alien” that turned out to kind of be a prequel to “Alien” is breathtakingly beautiful and, while there are some plot holes, sufficiently entertaining. There are much worst things you could do with 2 hours of your life.
Silent Hill: Revelation
It’s time for another journey into the alternate universe of Silent Hill. This time Sean Bean and his daughter are taking the journey and searching for his wife. While I expected to completely hate this, it’s not all terrible, but the story is just a little lacking.
Silent House
The amazing Elizabeth Olsen leads this “edited to look like one continuous shot” thriller as she is hunted and stalked through her dilapidated childhood home. It’s claustrophobic and genuinely terrifying even if you do figure out the twists.
Ethan Hawke stars as a has-been writer searching for his next big hit while investigating a series of family murders only to discover it may be connected with an ancient demon who preys upon children. The ending is so rushed it really hurts the overall film, which is just OK on its own.
Sleep Tight
An incredibly creepy Spanish film by Jaume Balaguero about a doorman who becomes obsessed with a young, female resident and invades her life in the most disturbing ways imaginable. It teeters on absurd but stays just close enough to reality to really freak you out.
Underworld: Awakening
Kate Beckinsale thankfully returns after a lackluster Beckinsale-less prequel and kicks some serious Lycan butt. It may not reach the statute of the original but it’s a much better place for the franchise than the previous installment.
A group of thugs break into a house to steal a series of videotapes that turn out to contain bizarre footage of murders and monsters. Some of the footage from the tapes is solid while others severally lack. The Ti West story of a couple vacationing at the Grand Canyon is definitely the strongest.
The Woman in Black
Daniel Radcliffe comes fresh off the Harry Potter series to star in this dud about doing taxes in a haunted house. You will find yourself yelling at the screen for the terrible decisions his characters makes throughout the film. The ending is just ridiculous.
Would You Rather
A group of strangers are offered an opportunity to have all of their financial problems eliminated by competing in a game. It’s kind of like “Saw” around a dinner table. There isn’t much depth to the characters, but with a story this straightforward it almost doesn’t feel necessary. It’s not winning any Oscars, but there are some gruesome scenes and the director works wonders on what was clearly a small budget.
A poorly strung together story of an author who meet up with his brother and dying father only to realize that 11/11/11 is going to cause his life to fall apart. The scariest part is trying to finish the entire movie.

Apollo 18
Somehow it’s a found footage movie from the moon as astronauts are apparently being stalked and hunted by an alien life form. It’s nothing special.
A teen-slasher-comedic thriller that also features a time traveling bear and Dane Cook. It’s clever and fun but never loses the horror vibe.
Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark
Katie Holmes and Guy Pierce star in this unintentionally hilarious thriller about tiny creatures that want to eat you and your family. The ending is just plain stupid and the creatures lose all scariness once you see how adorable they actually are.
Dream House
Even Daniel Craig couldn’t save this script that gives away its twist barely halfway through. Is he a murderer? Is he crazy? You’ll find out way too fast!
Final Destination 5
A new twist in the Final Destination franchise is the concept that if you kill someone death will skip you and claim the person you killed in your place. The ending gives some life to what appeared to be a dying franchise.
Fright Night
Surprisingly fun and scary, this remake follows a teen as he discovers his next-door neighbor, Colin Ferrell, is actually a vampire.
Grave Encounters
It’s everything you wish would happen on all of those ghost-hunting shows. Forget listening to an EVP, the spirits are full out hunting the crew in this found footage scarefest.
The Human Centipede 2
After viewing the first “Human Centipede” film, a weirdo decides he should make his own centipede. It’s gross in the worst way. It’s far from enjoyable.
The Innkeepers
Out of all of Ti West’s movies, this story of a haunted hotel is the least effective. Although the performances are strong, the payoff takes way too long and just doesn’t scare.
Paranormal Activity 3
A prequel to Paranormal Activity that explores what happened to cause Katie to be tormented by the demon. It’s clever and highly satisfying to fans of the series.
Quarantine 2: Terminal
It’s a sequel to a remake so that’s never a good start. The found footage aspect isn’t nearly as creepy this time around, even in an airport.
Red State
It’s a highly disjointed story of religious fanatics shooting at FBI agents. John Goodman is really solid and the boys who have been taken hostage by the church give great performances. That’s about it.
Scream 4
The surviving Scream members are back to battle a younger generation of killers. It’s good enough if you can completely turn off your sense of reason and logic.
Shark Night 3D
Completely devoid of plot or scares, Shark Night 3D does the impossible and makes sharks boring and uninteresting.
The Thing
A prequel, that is considered a remake for some reason, to the Kurt Russell classic is full of fantastic creatures, good enough performances, and a fun story.
The Tunnel
The mockumentary about creatures living in city’s abandoned tunnels is scary and original on a minimum budget. You’ll find yourself genuinely interested in the characters, which is a rarity in this style of film.
30 Days of Night: Dark Days
No stars from the first film return for this round of vampire hunting. The story is decent enough but the ending is one of the dumbest you’ll ever see.
A Serbian Film
Completely devoid of value, relying on shocks over substance, “A Serbian Film” is a vile and repulsive film about a has-been porn star who is lured into a twisted world with the promise of big money.
Cold Prey 3
A prequel to “Cold Prey” that misses the mark completely. This is a disappointing ending to a very good franchise as all the stars are gone and so is our interest.
The Crazies
Timothy Olyphant stars in this zombie remake about a town that goes mad after a government experiment gone wrong. It’s surprisingly good and filled with scares.
Three friends are abandoned atop a ski lift for the weekend and desperately try to escape before they freeze to death. It’s original and terrifying even though the plot isn’t a lot to work with.
Hatchet 2
Victor Crowley returns with another set of victims wandering into his woods. There’s more blood and even crazier kills than its predecessor if you can imagine.
I Spit on Your Grave
A gross remake to the cult classic that gets the story of a girl seeking revenge on her attackers completely wrong. It goes from boring to unwatchable very quickly.

Surprisingly terrifying story of parents desperately trying to reunite their son’s spirit with his body before it’s taken over by an unwanted visitor. Patrick Wilson is quickly becoming a go-to actor for solid horror performances. There is a disturbing looking sequel on the way.
Julia’s Eyes
While the story of a woman who is slowly losing her vision as she investigates her twin sister’s death is interesting, the movie just goes on so long. Director Guillem Morales seems promising with some great moments, but let’s hope his future work involves a little more editing.
The Last Exorcism
A priest decides to perform his final exorcism, but things don’t exactly go as planned in this found footage story. As soon as you say “Hey this isn’t that bad, I kind of like it!” get ready because one of the most confusing, out of nowhere endings is on the way.
Let Me In
What some consider an unnecessary remake to “Let the Right One In,” “Let Me In” stars Chloe Moretz in a fantastic performance as a vampire who befriends an introverted young neighbor. It’s dark and entertaining and a great way to introduce an audience to a story that they probably wouldn’t have seen if it otherwise.
My Soul to Take
A killer’s spirit returns to occupy the bodies of the teens born the night of his death while also killing them off. I have no idea how this awful movie got approved by a studio and then was given a theatrical release. It is complete trash and void of any form of entertainment.
A Nightmare on Elm Street
A poor attempt at relaunching the franchise without Robert Englund who clearly made the Nightmare movies successful. This time Freddy looks like a koi fish left out of water for several days. The budget is bigger, but without a scary Freddy it doesn’t really matter.
Paranormal Activity 2
The much-anticipated sequel to the surprise hit follows Katie’s sister and her family as they deal with a demonic force reeking havoc on their home. Although not as strong as the first it’s a decent companion even if the husband annoys you as much as he annoyed me.
Piranha 3-D
Well if you’ve seen the trailer you kind of know what you’re getting into so it’s hard to bash this one. Is the story good? Not at all. There’s non-stop nudity and just silliness but if that’s what you signed up for then you’re in luck. The rest of us will probably wish we sat this round out.
Resident Evil: Afterlife
Of all the Resident Evil movies, this one lacked any resemblance of a plot the most. It’s basically a video game as you follow Alice and the gang as they fight through each level of the Umbrella facilities. Michelle Rodriguez is back if that helps at all…
Saw 3D
The big finale to the franchise that seems to never end goes out with barely a whimper. Gone are intelligence of the original or the sense of any sort of reality. This one is just a series of absurd killings and a half-hearted ending that doesn’t really end it after all.
Tucker and Dale vs Evil
Two rednecks buy a cabin, which unintentionally becomes the site of numerous teenage deaths. It’s the funniest horror movie since “Shaun of the Dead” and could be argued as an even better film. Without a doubt, the most fun you will have watching people being killed.

Blood Creek
Two brothers return to a farmhouse to battle an immortal Nazi who has held the family there captive for decades. It’s scary and action-packed. You also may recognize the Nazi as “Prometheus” star, Michael Fassbender.
Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever
Ti West takes over the directing role this time around as the flesh-eating virus is back and in the bottled water. If you enjoyed the first “Cabin Fever,” the fun continues but if not, it’s going to be more of the same.
Chris Pine and a group of friends try to escape a deadly virus. It sounds like a familiar plot, but the film’s focus on the characters, and not on the gore, makes it stand out from the competition.
Case 39
Despite poor reviews, this Renee Zellweger supernatural thriller isn’t that bad. If the plot of a demon girl living with her social worker doesn’t attract you, just wait until Bradley Cooper spits out a hive of bees.
The Collector
An ex-con decides to break into the home of a family he is working for in order to repay a debt only to become part of a psychopath’s house of death traps. The kills are gruesome and the gritty feel leaves you quite disturbed.
The Descent 2
As soon as this sequel starts it ruins everything so great about the original. The story is uninteresting and the whole thing feels extremely uninspired.
Drag Me to Hell
Sam Raimi returns to horror and it’s ridiculously fun. You’ll laugh while getting completely gross out as a young loan officer battles a demon after a gypsy curse.
The Final Destination
By this point in the franchise there is no more plot and just a series of deaths that don’t seem to be caused by death’s design but more negligence of random businesses.
The Fourth Kind
A fake documentary mixed with professional reenactments of the fake footage (because that makes sense) about alien abductions. It’s surprisingly creepy even after finding out it’s all fake.
Friday the 13th
The Michael Bay produced attempt is an absolutely soulless remake of the Jason classics. The characters are so unlikeable that you’ll find yourself cheering for the slasher.
A woman loses her baby but after she carries it full term and delivers it, the baby returns to life. The only problem is that it only wants human blood. While it’s not for everyone, “Grace” is original and oddly fun.
The Grudge 3
A direct-to-video attempt to keep the series alive, unfortunately without the stars or scares. It’s boring and forgettable.
Halloween 2
The conclusion to Rob Zombie’s Halloween revision finds Michael Myers traveling back to Haddonfield to continue his killing spree. While it wanders away from the original plot drastically and isn’t necessarily anything great, there are some very cool visuals.
The Haunting in Connecticut
A family relocates to Connecticut for their son’s cancer treatments only to realize they’ve moved into a haunted house. Not the most original story the characters are likeable and the poster is fantastic.
The House of the Devil
Ti West creates an homage to the ’80s as a college student realizes her babysitting job may be an evil ploy to sacrifice her to the devil. It is extremely slow but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
The Human Centipede
An insane doctor kidnaps three people and tries to surgically attach them in the form of a human centipede. It’s filled with some of the grossest moments you’ll ever witness in a movie and will leave you squirming in your chair.
Jennifer’s Body
Megan Fox is possessed by an evil spirit and starts tormenting her friend Amanda Seyfried. Not nearly as clever as it thinks it is and quickly becomes obnoxious.
Le Horde
As police officers seek justice on a group of criminals, the zombie apocalypse occurs and they’re now forced to work together to survive. The zombies are terrifying and the characters actually have depth, a rarity for zombie films.
The Last House on the Left
Somehow this remake of the 1972 Wes Craven film is much more gory and yet significantly less scary. It seems to glorify the violence instead of viewing it as a means of survival.
The Loved Ones
A demented girl and her father kidnap the boy who turned down her prom request and torment him while recreating some bizarre murder prom. “The Loved Ones” is genuinely scary and will make you glad prom season is over.
My Bloody Valentine 3D
A film made for no other reason than to cash in on the 3D trend, “My Bloody Valentine 3D” is full of uninteresting characters and a stale plot.
Probably not the best movie to watch if you’re considering adoption, “Orphan” starts out creepy, but once its twist is revealed, it becomes unintentionally hilarious.
Paranormal Entity
A completely useless supernatural tale that exists in the hopes that you’ll be looking for “Paranormal Activity” and accidentally grab this one instead.
Claustrophobic and eerie, “Pontypool” let’s us witness the zombie uprising from a radio station studio. The source of the outbreak may be clever, but it becomes so preachy, you’ll be more annoyed that scared by the end.
Saw VI
Jigsaw’s wife Jill tries to fulfill his last request while battling Hoffman who may also be following Jigsaw’s instructions.” Saw VI” isn’t anything special and does nothing but drag out a dying franchise.
Sorority Row
A college slasher film that is completely aware of how ridiculous it is and becomes very entertaining. It’s not going to win any awards, but if you’re looking for mindless entertainment, you’ve come to the right place.
A scientist couple creates a life form by splicing together different species’ DNA. What unfolds is some of the most jaw-dropping and shocking sci-fi scenes in recent memory.
Survival of the Dead
Another George A. Romero zombie installment that just doesn’t quite live up to his classics. The characters are flat and the zombies just aren’t very scary.
Impossible to summarize, “Triangle” follows a passenger on a yacht as she tries to figure out what a bizarre weather condition caused and how to escape her living nightmare. Melissa George delivers a dazzling performance.
Trick r Treat
Everything you could want in a series of Halloween tales. “Trick ‘r Treat” is scary and highly enjoyable with a brilliant cast.
The Unborn
Not sure how they talked Gary Oldman into getting involved with this train wreck that lacks any scares and quickly becomes hilarious in the worst way possible.
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
It looks like an Underworld movie but it definitely doesn’t feel like one. It seems unnecessary and lacks anything that would make it re-watchable.
The Uninvited
The plot twist is visible a mile away in this Japanese remake about a pair of sisters trying to figure out if their new stepmom is trying to kill them.
Vacancy 2: The First Cut
The concept is the same as its predecessor but it feels so cheap that it’s no surprise it was direct to video. Just re-watch the original if you feel any desire to check this one out.
Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead
For a movie that wasn’t very good to start with, the “Wrong Turn” franchise sure cranks out a lot of sequels. The inbred mutants are back to hunt more beautiful people but good luck trying to care.
A shot of adrenaline to the zombie movie genre,”Zombieland” is hilarious and perfectly cast while still finding a way to be gory and scary.
100 Feet
A woman is tormented by the ghost of her ex-husband while being on house arrest in this lackluster story that features one of the least scary ghosts in recent memory.
A painfully non intimidating serial killer hunts three women and attempt to torment them in the most annoying ways imaginable. You will hate him so much.
The Children
Oddly creepy story of killer children systematically murdering their parents and relatives, “The Children” feels like you’re watching a group of Macaulay Culkins from “The Good Son.”
A freak who lives in the subway captures and performs makeshift operations on a group of victims. It’s enjoyable despite being subpar on multiple levels.

A big budget found footage monster movie that is stylized and clever while still being genuinely scary. The characters are likeable and the monster is devastating. Not much more you could ask for.
Cold Prey 2
The slasher sequel picks up right after the first installment and does not disappoint. It feels quite similar to “Halloween 2,” but it’s done so well it feels more like a companion that a ripoff.
Dance of the Dead
Prom is invaded by flesh eating zombies as the students must fight them off if they want to survive. “Dance of the Dead” is a guilty pleasure that you’ll hate to say how much you enjoy.
Day of the Dead
Ving Rhames and Mena Suvari can’t help this sloppy attempt at portraying the zombie apocalypse. No surprises here, as it feels like a zombie movie Mad Lib just filled in with different names.
Diary of the Dead
Romero takes on the found footage concept this round blending zombie gore with politics but still keeping the feel light and fun.
Eden Lake
A couple is tormented by a group of sadistic teens in one of the most chilling tales of the year with an ending that will haunt you for days to come.
The Eye
Jessica Alba gets new eyes to cure her blindness. Unfortunately, those eyes see ghosts. It’s an unnecessary remake to the J-horror classic that lacks any real suspense.
Feast 2: Sloppy Seconds
As fun as the first “Feast” was, this installment lacks any likeability and takes itself way too seriously. Same monsters, nowhere near as much fun.
The Haunting of Molly Hartley
No scares can be found as a teen girl tries to prevent her body from being claimed by the devil on her birthday. It’s simply not worth your time.
Home Movie
A collection of home footage showing what is supposed to be a journey into madness for a family seems more like the records of the dumbest, most obnoxious group of people you’ve ever witnessed.
Lake Mungo
A very well done faux documentary that focuses more on lies and deception than on ghosts and spirits, “Lake Mungo” won’t have you jumping out of your chair, but it’s scary nonetheless.
Let the Right One In
A young boy befriends a girl who is discovered to be a vampire. It breathes life into the genre and is one of the more intelligent horror movies in recent memory.
If the term torture-porn was ever appropriate this may be the place. “Martyrs” may be too extreme for many, but its boundary defying content is relentless and powerful.
One Missed Call
Despite a creepy premise, “One Missed Call” brings nothing new to the table and is filled with absolutely appalling performances.
Prom Night
“Prom Night” takes the original story, which wasn’t very good, and manages to make it less interesting as a crazed killer hunts a girl on her prom night.
Pulse 2: Afterlife
The world has been completely taken over by spirits that live in electronic devices and it couldn’t be less entertaining. It’s absurd and completely incoherent.
While the scares are decent enough in the found footage from an apartment complex quarantined by the military after a virus outbreak, I can’t get past the stupidity of putting the end of the movie on the poster and cover.
The Ruins
A group of friends find themselves trapped in the jungle with deadly plants. As ridiculous as that sounds, the cast is great and the movie is suspenseful and frightening.
Saw V
Maybe the weakest installment in the Saw franchise, “Saw V” lacks any sign of a plot and simply exists as a vehicle to string together a few torture scenes.
Seventh Moon
Despite poor lighting, “Seventh Moon” is genuinely scary as a newlywed couple realize they have become part of an ancient evil that requires human sacrifice. Amy Smart gives a fantastic performance.
What happens when you take one of the scariest Thai horror films, remove any elements of horror, and add in Joshua Jackson from “Dawson’s Creek?” Try not to find out.
A low budget creature film that knows how to have fun while still keeping the scares coming, “Splinter” is the most fun you’ll have at the gas station.
The Strangers
It’s subtle and psychological at times then downright terrifying at other moments. “The Strangers” will make you hesitate answering your door or leaving the city.
Tokyo Gore Police
Self-mutilation is the norm and the police have become privatized in this look at a futuristic Japan that emphasizes the word gore its name.
John Cusack is trapped in a hotel room that tortures and kills all who dare to enter. There is very little violence. Instead, the film focuses on psychological torture to generate scares.
28 Weeks Later
While it doesn’t quite live up to its predecessor, “28 Weeks Later” picks up where the story left off with strong performances from Jeremy Renner, Rose Byrne, and Harold Perrineau.

30 Days of Night
Vampires stalk a small Alaskan town as the residents experience a month with no sunlight. The story isn’t anything amazing, but the tension is non-stop and Josh Hartnett is surprisingly likeable.
Aliens vs Predator: Requiem
Take everything good about “Alien vs Predator,” add in awful lighting and melodrama, and you have this completely inept sequel with very few redeeming qualities.
Dead Silence
A truly scary tale of an old female ghost who turns her victims into ventriloquist dummies, Dead Silence has its flaws but you’ll be hard pressed not to enjoy it.
Sadistic neo-Nazis torment a group of thieves in this NC-17 French thriller. The blood is abundant and the gore just never seems to stop, not that I’m complaining.
Fun, smart, and gross, “Grindhouse” feels more like an experience than simply a movie. It’s a great homage to the exploitation films of yesteryear.
Rob Zombie takes the classic “Halloween” story in a new direction in this ultra-gory and oversexed remake that delves into the unexplored parts of Michael Myers life. As far as remakes go, it’s really not that bad.
Hannibal Rising
A far cry from the Hannibal Lector we were terrified of in “Silence of the Lambs,” “Hannibal Rising” is pointless and unnecessary.
The Hills Have Eyes 2
Unless you just love mutants with superhuman strength, there is no reason to watch this sloppy sequel that pales in comparison to the original.
The Hitcher
An over-gory remake of the terrifying classic about a hitchhiker who kills anyone who gives him a ride, “The Hitcher” replaces character development with over-the-top horror and never quite works.
Hostel: Part 2
More of the same from the previous film, this time with a group of girls taken in as victims. If gore is your thing, you’ve hit the jackpot. If not, run in the other direction.
I Am Legend
Will Smith is the last man on earth other than hordes of mutated zombies, of course. The suspense is fantastic but you can’t help wish that CGI wasn’t used to create the zombies.
An ultra-intense French film that, not only satisfies any desire for blood and gore, but is one of the best horror movies of the last several years. It’s vicious and unforgiving.
The Invasion
Body snatchers invade the world leaving Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig to battle them. The story is familiar, but it’s done so well, you’ll look past some familiarities.