One of my favorite movies to watch around the holidays, and by holidays I mean any nationally recognized holiday, is “Home Alone.” It’s entertaining enough on its own, so why not take it to another level and make it into a drinking game? Gather up your friends and get ready for the most intense viewing of the John Hughes classic you’ve ever experienced. Just make sure you don’t have any other plans for the day because you will be annihilated.
What You’ll Need:
- Shot glasses
- Your favorite liquor (Might I recommend a holiday-inspired Candy Cane shot? Half strawberry liquor and half peppermint schnapps)
- Lots of beer
Take a Shot Every Time:
- A Michael Jordan cardboard cutout appears on screen
- Marv screams
- Someone says “Merry Christmas”
- Kate yells at someone in an airport
- Uncle Frank does something frugal
- Buzz’s tarantula appears on screen
- Someone hits the statue in from of the house with a car
- Kevin fires a BB gun
- Fuller takes a drink of soda
- Kevin screams

Take Two Drinks Every Time:
- Someone says the name of a U.S. City
- Pizza is shown on screen
- Someone speaks French
- The furnace comes to life
- Old Man Marley is shown holding a shovel
- Harry’s gold tooth sparkles
- Kevin eats something
- Marv and Harry cling crowbars together
- Kevin talks back to his parents
- Marv says “Wet Bandits”

Take a Drink of Beer Every Time:
- Harry fake curses
- Marv or Harry get physically injured
- John Candy plays a musical instrument
- Someone tries to call a neighbor on the phone
- An airplane is shown outside
- Someone says “Keep the change, ya filthy animal”
- Someone walks in the snow
- A police officer appears on screen
- A Christmas song is played
- Kevin insults Marv or Harry
All photos courtesy of: Twentieth Century Fox/Photofest