The Oddball Comedy Festival, which has been touring the country since August, is churning out laughs coast to coast until the end of the month. But if you can’t actually make it to see big name headliners like Louis C.K., Sarah Silverman, Whitney Cummings and Aziz Ansari crack you up in person, we’re bringing the best of the fest to your screen.

1) A lineup that puts Sunday Night Football to shame

2) Hannibal Buress has been known to wear … Hannibal Buress

3) Real-life oddballs will be attending, and doing oddball things, like reclining on their briefcases of nails

4) Jeffrey Ross’ll be there, charming women into the sack

5) A surprise appearance from Dave Chappelle, which he was equally surprised about.
6) Sarah Silverman has been getting cozy with Jeffrey Ross along the way.

7) Whitney Cummings will get raunchy (and we like it).

“Whitney Cummings … started her set of dating and sex-based material with some zingers that quickly grew raunchy. ‘My definition of love is being willing to die for somebody that you yourself want to kill,’ she said in one of her few bits that didn’t include graphic sexual descriptions or heavy profanity.” –
8) Jim Gaffigan will snack upon non-Hot Pocket delights at various Holiday Inn Express locations.

9) Louis C.K. is not standing for anyone’s A.D.D.

“Be quiet, you paid to hear me speak,”” C.K. scolded the crowd. “It’’s like if you ordered spaghetti and just started throwing it out the window.”” –Seattle Times
10) Did we mention one of the sponsors is Airheads?!