This ‘NBA Jam’ Parody Featuring 2015 Kobe Bryant Is Outstanding

Well, unless you’re Kobe Bryant, that is.

Somebody associated with Sports Illustrated had the stones to make a video of Kobe Bryant badly missing a ton of shots — just like he’s done in pretty much every game so far this year — except they made it look like he was doing so in a game of “NBA Jam.”

And because it’s the 2015 version of Kobe Bryant and not Steph Curry, you’ll hear great sound bytes, like “He’s cooling down!” and “WTF?” instead of “He’s on fire!” and “Boomshakalaka.”

“What a great contract!”

I’m not going to lie — that last one made me pee a little.

h/t Deadspin

We imagine the Amazon review for 2015 Kobe would also be pretty rough: Amazon Reviews Of NBA Players

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