Let’s be honest: When you begin a segment by kissing Jimmy Kimmel’s penis and proclaiming, “My name-a Borat. I like-a porno,” you know the next seven minutes are going to be a real treat.
Sacha Baron Cohen appeared as Borat on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” last night for two reasons: One, it was a great way to premiere the new trailer for his upcoming movie “The Brothers Grimsby.” And two, to rip Donald Trump a new one for several minutes.
Do yourself a favor and tell your boss you have to drop a deuce so you can watch this clip in it’s entirety.
Say what you want about Trump's critics, but odds are you won't find any who have the stones to call him an absolute p---y or suggest his face is made of orange paint and his hair of Pamela Anderson's "pubies." "The Brothers Grimsby" hits theaters this March, and it looks almost as funny as referring to your anus as your "exit holes." h/t The Independent "Borat" is actually banned in Kazakhstan: The 10 Best Movies Banned in Asia