Chewbacca Mom Tops Facebook Live Videos Of The Year

Two moms left their mark on social media this year in a big way, topping Facebook Live videos in both the US and Canada.

Can anyone forget the contagious laughter of the mom trying on the Chewbacca mask? Candace Payne had 162 million views on Facebook, topping the list in the US. Meanwhile, an Alberta mom who demonstrated a new way to tie shoes to her child was the top of the Canadian list.

This past Thursday, Facebook released a list of the most-watched Facebook Live videos, and in addition to the two moms, other videos topped the list in Canada (

Edgar Muenala, Pan flute and erhu performance

Keena Chipasoose Half, South African firefighters arriving in Fort McMurray

Nova Vision T.V., Arrival of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto in Toronto

Justin Trudeau, Raising the Pride Flag on Parliament Hill for the first time in Canadian history

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