This Is What Happens When You’re An Idiot And Try To Take A Selfie With A Shark

Photo: Facebook

In case you were wondering, yes, there are plenty of idiots left in the world.

As much as this Florida man didn’t deserve to get his hand destroyed by a bull shark, the woman in this video did because she decided that she was going to be a complete idiot. A 35-year-old Brazilian tourist was walking along the beaches of Fernando de Noronha, when she thought, “Hey, I know what will make this vacation extra special: a selfie with a shark.” So guess what this lady did? She grabbed a baby shark right out of the water. And the shark acted like we would act if we were forced out of our home. And we are glad he did.

Take a look at this woman’s hand get what is coming to her thanks to the Facebook video below.

This Is What Happens When You’re An Idiot And Try To Take A Selfie With A Shark

Too bad that shark didn’t stay hooked on that hand a tad longer. And don’t you worry, because the idiots on this video had to answer to police as well. According to Express, not only did that woman have to get stitches on her hand, but her and her boyfriend were charged with animal cruelly, and will have to pay about $6,200 because of their actions.

You folks don’t need to see more videos like this to be reminded that taking animals out of its habitat simply for a photo is ignorant, and if you do it you deserve to spend your life with one hand only.

h/t COED

And don’t forget this: How To Survive Various Animal Attacks

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