Photo: 20th Century Fox / Frinkiac
Long-running FOX mainstay The Simpsons is no stranger to predicting events years before they take place (so is Family Guy for that matter, but that’s beside the point). You could even argue that President Trump is in power because of the show. But like a psychic who is ironically hit by a car despite their intuition, the animated sitcom could soon meet its maker in similar fashion.
The Simpsons Predicts 20th Century Fox Acquisition By Disney
As it turns out, the series made another rather bold prediction back in the Season 10 episode “When You Dish Upon A Star” with a sight gag that must be seen to be believed (obviously…since that’s the nature of a sight gag and all). Twitter user Ryan W. Mead was quick to point this out when news started to break of a potential buyout of a large chunk of 21st Century Fox (which would include 20th Century Fox movie studio and the Fox Television Group). Let’s take a look at that joke:
With the possibility of 20th Century Fox being sold to Disney, let me be one of the first to point out the Simpsons predicted it:
— Ryan W. Mead (@rwmead) November 6, 2017
What a hilarious nearly 20-year-old bit. Of course, in today’s climate (and especially when the harsh light of reality shines through), Disney’s purchase of Fox’s TV division could spell potential cancellation. After all, as Screen Rant‘s Alex Leadbeater points out, the show has only been around this long for its legacy and as the base of Animation Domination — two things Disney probably couldn’t care less about.
Way to go, Simpsons. You predicted your own potential doom. What do you have to say for yourself?
