Since 2004, Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2 has been revered as the best Spider-Man movie ever by critics and fans alike. The Amazing Spider-Man films starring Andrew Garfield weren’t enough to unseat Tobey Maguire’s trilogy (minus Spider-Man 3, we don’t really count that one). In 2016’s Captain America: Civil War, fans got a taste of the new iteration of Peter Parker in the form of Tom Holland. The fresh take on the teenaged superhero was met with excitement throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with many wondering if the new kid on the block would be the one to dethrone Maguire’s Spider-Man. With the follow-up to Spider-Man: Homecoming currently in theaters, our latest Mandatory Movie Battle features the Spider-Men going head-to-head in their respective sequels as we determine the winner between Spider-Man: Far From Home and Spider-Man 2. Major spoiler warnings!
Photo: Marvel Studios
More than a love interest: Zendaya’s Role of MJ in ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ to Be Movie’s Biggest Twist
Ranked!: Spider-Man Movies Leading Up to ‘Far From Home’
Both movies take audiences on a deep, emotional dive into Peter Parker, offering a layered, compelling look at the teenager outside of his Spider-Man abilities. By itself, Spider-Man 2 stands out for what it did originally for superhero movies, and for infusing comic book elements into the film that served as special nods to comic readers. However, when compared side by side, the old school Spidey doesn’t hold up to the new generation of Peter, with Holland easily taking the trophy as the best live-action Spider-Man we’ve ever had.
Overall Winner: Spider-Man: Far From Home
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Spider-Man Movie Battle
Best Spidey
Even though he would rather be a kid, Holland's Spider-Man never turns his back on those who need help, no matter how much he may be struggling with his alter-ego. In contrast, while Maguire's Peter Parker is understandably struggling with the weight of being Spider-Man, there is a moment in Spider-Man 2 where a man is being mugged and Peter does nothing. He doesn't even call for help. You know that if Peter from the new movies chose to be rid of the costume for good, his character would still help people and he would never turn his back on someone in need. Holland's excellent range and his absolute dedication to the character, stunts and all, doesn't hurt.
Winner: Spider-Man: Far From Home
Explosive Action
The eye-popping action in Far From Home is difficult for Spider-Man 2 to contend with. It's a hot take, considering that Spider-Man 2 certainly has a few exhilarating action sequences, particularly when Peter comes face to face with Doc Ock. Still, Holland's latest movie steps it up a notch thanks to the exciting stunt work accompanied by stunning visual effects. The terrifying illusions Mysterio puts Spider-Man through, and the way Peter later combats them, edges out the competition.
Winner: Spider-Man: Far From Home
Funniest Sequel
The older Spider-Man movies feel a little cheesy now when compared to the MCU. That being said, Maguire delivers that particular comedy style well, even when some of those moments work against Peter's intelligence. Far From Home has plenty of room for laughs, but unfortunately its main comedic relief, in the form of Peter's best friend Ned, is hit or miss with his sudden summer vacation love affair that is often silly, sometimes cute, and always awkward.
Winner: Spider-Man 2
Biggest Betrayal
In Spider-Man 2, Peter and Dr. Octavius (Alfred Molina) barely form a bond before the Doc loses his mind and melds with the mechanical tentacles. Quentin Beck, aka Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal), revealing himself to be the bad guy in Far From Home was a major blow to Peter. Struggling with the death of father figure Tony Stark and the weight of being the superhero society demands him to be, Peter found solace in a potential new mentor and friend he quickly gravitates to. Not only was Peter crushed by Beck's lies, but he also felt like he let Tony down by trusting the mysterious newcomer. The only person Peter is ever really concerned with in Spider-Man 2 is Mary Jane, let's be honest.
Winner: Spider-Man: Far From Home
Sweetest Romance
Peter was never really good enough for Mary Jane in Spider-Man 2 until she confirmed that he was the web-slinging superhero, whom she always seemed more interested in. Zendaya's MJ, on the other hand, has always cared more about the person behind the mask. The best part about their relationship, besides the adorable teenage awkwardness, is the slow burn. Starting with Homecoming, they were allowed to establish a solid friendship with MJ building her own identity outside of just being a love interest before their relationship developed naturally into a sweet little romance story that fit in seamlessly with the rest of the narrative. We definitely ship it.
Winner: Spider-Man: Far From Home
Smoothest Web-Slinger
Holland's Spider-Man is not only a smooth criminal with his web-slinging skills and "Peter tingle," but he also has access to additional tech and toys thanks to the late Mr. Stark. Maguire's Spider-Man, on the other hand, really only has his webs and his own spidey sense to rely on, making for even more impressive zips around the city and fights with the bad guys. If you're still not convinced, rewatch the entire train scene with Peter versus Doc Ock and see how slick Maguire's Spidey is with those webs.
Winner: Spider-Man 2
Compelling Villains
Molina is fantastic as Dr. Octavius, but Gyllenhaal is in a league of his own. He is convincing as the soft-spoken big brother figure Peter needs, achingly so to where you can't help but fall for his charm and seemingly kind-hearted demeanor. Even though comic book fans knew the twist was coming, the reveal that he truly was the antagonist of the movie and how quickly he turned on young, naive Peter was gut-wrenching. But, even then, you can't help but love Mysterio because a superhero movie is only as good as its villain.
Winner: Spider-Man: Far From Home
Supporting Characters
The side characters in Far From Home, from Nick Fury to Happy Hogan to many of Peter's science class, all have a personality and shine when given time on the screen. Spider-Man 2 offers a few fun cameos and a couple of great supporting characters, but nothing as layered as what we see in the Homecoming follow-up. These newer characters are more relatable, and in some ways, more intelligent, catching on to Peter's odd behavior. Initially, we would have said it was pretty likely that more classmates would discover Peter's identity like MJ did, but Mysterio took matters into his own hands and guaranteed it.
Winner: Spider-Man: Far From Home