Nonviolent fight scenes debunk the belief that sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you. Words are one of the most powerful forms of ammunition in the world. And the trigger is often an annoying significant other, a loud neighbor, a shitty customer, or that obnoxious guy at the movie theater. Next thing you know you’re yelling so loudly you don’t recognize the sound of your own voice. Frustration makes people do and say things they normally wouldn’t. Here are some films that do a great job of depicting some hostile situations without ever firing a bullet, swinging a sword, or throwing a punch.
Cover Photo: Paramount Pictures
Frustration-free: Brave Man Leaves Loud-Chewing Family to Keep His Own Sanity
Dukes up: RANKED! The Greatest Fight Scenes in Movie History
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Ranked! The Greatest Nonviolent Fight Scenes in Movie History
13. Harry vs. wife in 'In Bruges'
After getting some less-than-great news over the phone, Harry Waters (the top dog gangster of the film) slams the phone down repeatedly. His wife tells him to relax: "It’s an inanimate fucking object." He responds accordingly. Plot aside, you know you’re pissed off when you say that to someone…look at those neck veins.
Watch the full nonviolent fight here.
12. Travis Bickle vs. himself in 'Taxi Driver'
Who hasn't put on an intimidating facial expression and provoked themselves in the mirror? Sometimes you just need to see what the other guy is going to see; fine-tuning your intimation factor is key for those aggressive social situations. Robert De Niro's iconic scene from Taxi Driver just set the standard for all mirror sessions moving forward.
Watch the full nonviolent fight here.
11. Dr. Evil vs. Scott Evil in 'Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me '
Father of the year never lets his son get a word in. It's not a stretch to equate being silenced (repeatedly) with being knocked out.
Watch the full nonviolent fight here.
10. Guard vs. Arthur in 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail'
This exchange between King Arthur and a French soldier did not play out the way Arthur had planned. Unconvinced, not only did this sharp-witted man throw a plethora of devastating insults Arthur’s way, but the French also threw back his “Trojan rabbit.” An epic fail.
Watch the full nonviolent fight here.
9. Zoolander vs. Hansel in 'Zoolander'
David Bowie (obviously) judges a “walk-off” between Zoolander (Ben Stiller) and his rival Hansel (Owen Wilson). Models don’t handle things with their fists or with their words, they handle things with their God-given assets.
Watch the full nonviolent fight here.
8. Brennan vs. Dale in 'Step Brothers'
So, your stepbrother put his balls on your drum set? Well, you shouldn’t have had an attitude at dinner.
Watch the full nonviolent fight here.
7. Will vs. Clark in 'Good Will Hunting'
When some Harvard douchebag tries to embarrass your boy just to impress some girl, you call his ass out. Now we don’t all have the photographic memory of Will Hunting (we wish we did), but there’s a part of us that takes pride in busting the chops of some arrogant snob with real knowledge. This “argument” and subsequent victory by the humble Mr. Hunting is an all-time favorite.
Watch the full nonviolent fight here.
6. Barbara vs. Oliver in 'The War of the Roses'
Oliver Rose’s (Michael Douglas) note to self: never ask your wife why she wants a divorce.
Watch the full nonviolent fight here.
5. B-Rabbit vs. Papa Doc in '8 Mile'
A rap battle is the only nonviolent fight that ever really mattered.
Watch the full nonviolent fight here.
4. Barry vs. Dean in 'Punch-Drunk Love'
Everyone knows Adam Sandler can yell, but so could Phillip Seymour Hoffman (epically). When Barry (Sandler) gets frustrated with a phone sex worker and demands to speak to her supervisor, he has no idea what he is in for.
Watch the full nonviolent fight here.
3. Jordan vs. Naomi in 'The Wolf of Wall Street'
"Don't you dare fucking throw that fucking water at me!" Anyone with a failed marriage or relationship...or even a thriving one can relate to the feral nature of this argument.
Watch the full nonviolent fight here.
2. Lt. Daniel Kaffee vs. Col. Nathan R. Jessep in 'A Few Good Men'
Colonel Nathan Jessop (Jack Nicholson) is interrogated by naval officer lawyer Danny Kaffee (Tom Cruise) on the stand about the death of a Marine. Jessop’s outburst is one of the most quoted lines in cinematic history.
Watch the full nonviolent fight here.
1. Clifford Worley vs. Vincenzo Coccotti in 'True Romance'
In True Romance, Clifford Worley’s son, Clarence, is on the run. All sorts of bad people are looking for him (because of the cocaine he and his soul mate stole). When Clifford receives a visit from enforcer Vincenzo Coccotti, Mr. Worley knows he is screwed and decides to "go down with the ship." In this tense and badass slow burn of a scene, Dennis Hopper and Christopher Walken excel.
Watch the full nonviolent fight here.