Britney Spears has always divided music fans into two camps: Those who love bubble gum pop and those who do not. But one thing everyone seems to agree on these days is Spears has been getting the shit end of the stick for a very long time.
Sure, the former queen of pop has had her fair share of oops, I did it again moments, from the time she was spotted driving her baby around on her lap to the frequent breakdowns and rehab stints. But now it’s becoming clear that the mental instability Spears has shown is not all it appeared to be.
On the surface, it looked like just another star gone off the rails from too much fame, the excesses of wealth, and the brutal reality of the hightide of celebrity receding. And while all that may be true to some extent, recent evidence suggests Spears’s unhinged public persona was due in large part to the tenterhooks of a highly controlling and manipulative family.
And you thought your parents sucked.
After Spears appeared in court for the second time in two years, she put on a brave, more confident front as she laid out in plain detail the horror of living under the thumb of a 13-year-old court-mandated conservatorship that has allowed her family to have full control over her financial affairs and, at times, daily life. Now, the singer wants payback.
“I would honestly like to sue my family, to be totally honest with you,” Spears told the judge via live stream. She added, “Ma’am, my dad and anyone involved in this conservatorship and my management who played a huge role in punishing me when I said no—ma’am, they should be in jail.”
As the truth comes out, people are beginning to see Britney Spears in a new light. And thanks to her #FreeBritney army, that light grows stronger by the day. Whether or not the Spears family or Judge Brenda Penny make things right, at least we know Twitter will be here to make us laugh. Check out our favorite tweets below and stay tuned while this latest pop saga unfolds.
— Dan (@TheDan_5) June 28, 2021
isn’t it funny how jamie lynn starts crying on her insta stories that she loves Britney only after everyone @ mentioning Netflix to fire her #FreeBritney
— Cloud9ineDreams? (@Cloud9ineDreams) June 28, 2021
anyone else look at recent pics of Britney's dad and just feel there's no soul behind his eyes ? #FreeBritney
— Futility's Forgotten Soldier (@FutilityFS) June 28, 2021
Jamie Lynn Spears pretending to cry on Instagram #FreeBritney
— David Opie (@DavidOpie) June 28, 2021
The movement has been thriving lately, we're kicking them #FreeBritney
— Game of Conservatorships (@BritneyGoc) June 28, 2021
Jamie Lynn needs to drive down the road to the storage building her Daddy has his RV parked in front of and fake cry to his ass. Because we aren’t buying it sweetheart. #FreeBritney
— Chad C. (@chadclark88) June 28, 2021
jel imate dosta godina da se setite ovoga, sve sto britnica zeli ❤️ #freebritney
— inStereo (@R_inStereo) June 28, 2021
not one tweet to this day has topped this one honestly #freebritney
— kid presentable (@fusionselite) June 28, 2021
FREE Britney Spears cocksuckers!
— Joey CoCo Diaz (@madflavor) June 28, 2021
Cover Photo: Ethan Miller (Getty Images)
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