Live sports are totally unpredictable. Usually, that’s a selling point, but during Super Bowl XLVII the New Orleans Superdome experienced a blackout for over 30 minutes. The players looked really bored out there in the dark, reflecting the attitude of many viewers. Luckily, the internet took the game ball and scored some hilarious memes. Here are 10 funny Super Bowl blackout memes:

They turned down Maglite as a sponsor. Those fools! [via]
Go Home

“You’re drunk,” responds the dome. [via]
Grumpy Cat

Now the world understands how Grumpy Cat always feels. [via]

If they hit the reset button, everything would’ve blinked magenta for a moment. [via]

The check is actually still in the Super Dome’s coat pocket. He forgot to mail it. [via]

Identify yourself to the world, Beyonce! [via]
Power Supply

If the top plug was a laptop, the whole city would’ve gone dark. [via]
Ray Lewis

That’s called “will power.” [via]
Bad Luck Brian

I should’ve known that kid was to blame. [via]
In Conclusion…

Though to be fair, if Romney were elected, the Super Bowl would have too much light and all the players would’ve gone blind. Lesser of two evils. [via]
Geoffrey Golden is the Editor in Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans! Header via.