Did you know Final Fantasy XII almost had a sequel? It’s true. The project was titled Final Fantasy: Fortress and was set after the events of Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. Sound perfect? It might have been, but we might not ever know.
A user on NeoGAF has compiled a long list of Final Fantasy: Fortress assets he’s encountered over the years. You might think he’s out of his mind for spending so much time digging up information for a dead game, but once you see it you might sympathize with him. What has been revealed is an open-world RPG that had the potential to be what Final Fantasy fans have been waiting for. In a nutshell, it looks glorious.
On a positive note for RPG fans, the project has been teased as in hibernation. At any point Square Enix could revive the project. Given the company’s recent commitment to satisfy customers, that possibility is far from being out of the picture.
Wonder what it would’ve looked like? Below is a tech demo, albeit from 2010, that shows glimpses of concept art and some fully rendered gameplay with animations and all. See for yourself:
Here’s another video, this time from lead technical artist Anders Bodbacka which shows some of the game’s characters and animations. It’s a portfolio video so you will see other games during the presentation.
Lastly, here are tons of 3D renders and concept art from the team that worked on Final Fantasy: Fortress. Seeing them might make you wonder why such a game would be canned. Your guess is as good as mine.
Final Fantasy: Fortress
Lead concept artist Martin Bergquist's production painting.
Snowy Mountain
Lead concept artist Martin Bergquist's production painting.
Hidden City
Lead concept artist Martin Bergquist's production painting.
Major City
Lead concept artist Martin Bergquist's production painting.
Senior concept artist Peter Johansson's environment art.
Senior concept artist Peter Johansson's environment art.
Dividing Line
Senior concept artist Peter Johansson's environment art.
Dividing Line 2
Senior concept artist Peter Johansson's environment art.
Senior artist Nasier Abdoel's character models.
Senior artist Nasier Abdoel's character models.
Rock Monster
Senior artist Nasier Abdoel's character models.
Lava Beast
Senior artist Nasier Abdoel's character models.
Concept artist Daniel Conway's art.
Concept artist Daniel Conway's art.
Chocobo Desert
Concept artist Daniel Conway's art.
Concept artist Daniel Conway's art.
Icy Gate
Concept artist Daniel Conway's art.
Lava Boss
Concept artist Daniel Conway's art.
Concept artist Joakim Hellstedt's art.
Concept artist Joakim Hellstedt's art.
Concept artist Joakim Hellstedt's art.
Concept artist Joakim Hellstedt's art.
Environmental artist Tomislav Spajic 3D environments.