Battlefield 4 to Include Test Range for Vehicles Including Helicopters and Jets

I don’t know about you, but one of my favorite things about the Battlefield series is its incorporation of air vehicles. Since 2005 I have tried to perfect the craft of gunning in a helicopter. My dedicated pilot and I have spent hundreds of hours in flight, and it hasn’t been easy. Every day that we practice we risk our lives with live ammunition against live targets, all without even a minute of training. I don’t even know what half the buttons in the cockpit do.

DICE has taken fan feedback very seriously and for the first time in Battlefield‘s history it will incorporate a test range for vehicles. Speaking to IGN, creative director Lars Gustavsson confirmed the implementation for Battlefield 4:

We’ve definitely heard that people are afraid of getting in there [and using vehicles like helicopters] and that’s not our intent, so what we’ve done is, we’ve added a test range, which allows you to try out all the hardware ahead of time so that if you want to learn to fly a helicopter you can get in there and you can find the settings that work best for you. And then start doing some stunt flights just to feel safe before you go out and get the responsibility of a bunch of other people sitting in your helicopter, so I truly hope that this will help people feel more safe about trying out the whole battlefield.

Now it will be easier than ever before to practice aim with the TV dinner guided missile. Better yet, we can make stunt videos without having to setup a private server with custom settings.

Wondering what stunts are in Battlefield? The hilarious video below might help you.

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