Metal Gear Solid 5’s New Character, Quiet, Shows Off Her Buns

One of Metal Gear Solid 5’s newest cast members is Quiet, a sniper with few words. She is so silent that Hideo Kojima has stated that she will have to communicate using body language. Judging by a new photo of her, she’s pretty good at it.

Hideo Kojima has posted a new photo of Quiet to introduce long-term fans to the series’ latest character addition. While the photo doesn’t do much in the way of showing off her personality, some fans might enjoy it. See below:

Hideo Kojima has a good sense of humor, and hasn’t exactly been opposed to sexuality in his games. Some might recall the bikini babe posters throughout Metal Gear Solid 2, as well as Metal Gear Solid 3‘s sensual scene.

If you want to see more of Quiet than just her rear end, then the Metal Gear Solid 5 debut trailer should help.

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