Battlefield 4 comes out this week, and that means throwing on your combat boots and preparing yourself for epic warfare. It’s been two years since we last saw Battlefield, and as great as Battlefield 3 was the franchise has evolved for the better since then.
DICE has spent time going over what it has accomplished in the past two years of development. While some of these adjustments are minor to improve the quality of life, several new additions are substantial. In the gallery below we’ve highlighted Battlefield 4‘s greatest improvements which bring ‘wow factor’ to this holiday season.
Battlefield 4 Wow Factor
Commander Mode is back
Having been a popular feature with fans in Battlefield 2, DICE has decided to bring Commander Mode back for Battlefield 4. This unique system allows a single player on each team to become a team leader of sorts. That player has a full-time job of telling units where to go, providing intelligence, and using game-changing support abilities (cruise missiles, scans, and gunship strikes) at critical moments.
Commander Mode is a true testament to how epic Battlefield 4 is. Its maps are unlike anything else on the market with huge battles waging across the map on land, sea, and in the air. Having a teammate watch the destruction from above while providing support of various kinds really emphasizes how team-oriented and true to the team experience the game is.
Battlefield 4 will be the first of several EA games to run on the new Frosbite 3.0 engine. This engine is truly remarkable with damage modeling and deformation that puts other AAA shooters to shame. As if its realistic physics weren't enough, its explosions may render you speechless. Get used to seeing buildings explode and various objects flying across the map. This isn't a video game, it's a war simulator.
Levolution is a revolution
The new Frostbite v3.0 engine also incorporates what DICE calls Levolution. Instead of maps being changed only in minor ways like games past, they can completely evolve during the course of a match. For example, a skyscraper might fall completely transforming the layout of the ground below. A storm can sweep across the map making combat much more difficult, and staying above water a test of survival.
These changes are numerous and have been designed for every level. While you may have played Gulf of Oman a thousand times, in Battlefield 4 each match will have its own characteristics that make it feel different than the last.
Your eyes will be satisfied
Battlefield 3 has remained an impressive PC benchmark since its release in 2011. Battlefield 4 kicks it up a notch with noticeably improved animations and higher texture resolution. DICE claims this is the best-looking multiplayer shooter on the market, and I know I have no reason to argue with that.
If you think your PC is beastly this will be the game to really put it to the test. If you are planning to play on console then you're in luck because...
...and your console will surprise you
Battlefield 4 is going to run wonderfully on next-gen consoles. The 24-player limit imposed on PS3 and Xbox 360 has been removed thanks to the major hardware improvements of the PS4 and Xbox One. You'll not only be able to experience large-scale warfare for your first time in the living room, but the visual gap between a high-end gaming PC and a console is much smaller. You'll be able to see what PC gamers have been bragging about for years for a fraction of the price.
Sea combat made fun
There have been sea vessels in the Battlefield series for as long as we can remember, but Battlefield 4 makes them an important part of the combat experience similar to tanks and helicopters. Powerful naval units have been added to make seafaring fun rather than just a form of travel. You might find yourself parking one of these bad boys on the beach to support your teammates. That's if you can make it to shore, of course. Dangerous storms will jeopardize your safety.