Vocal Fanboys Drop Xbox One Rating on Amazon with Fake Reviews

Amazon is one of the most important retailers in the United States. It was responsible for a large chunk of the PS4 and Xbox One pre-orders, and also for a sizeable portion of software sales.

One part of Amazon that’s taken very seriously is its customer review feature. Customers can review products they have (or haven’t in this case) purchased. While only a couple reviews isn’t indicative of what a buyer can expect,when something has hundreds of reviews a quick read can offer some insight into what the buyer can expect.

Within 12 hours of the Xbox One’s launch it has 255 customer reviews on Amazon, with 80 of those being one-star. Out of those, only one is an Amazon Verified Purchase.

A look at their reviews raises some eyebrows. Just about all of them say they’re experiencing issues with the disc drive, something PS4 fanboys have been very vocal about since reports released around midnight. Retaliation for the outrage over the PS4’s blue light of death fiasco? You be the judge.

For example, one user published the following review:

this is too all u sony haters who posted fake reviews on the ps4 one but i will be getting a xbone after the price drops to 350$

Remember, these are supposed to help other consumers decide whether or not to purchase a product.

Another customer posted:

Bought it at best buy, 2 hours ago. Hook it up, nothing on the HDTV screen. Restart and RROD,,What a shame,

The Xbox One doesn’t have RROD. Nice try, though.

The moral of the story is you shouldn’t take the user reviews on Amazon very seriously when it comes to gaming products. There’s a severe problem in the industry with some gamers being hateful of products they don’t own. They’re a minority, but go out of their way to cause commotion. Don’t let them sway your opinion either way.

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