The PS4 is selling like hot-cakes in Europe right now, but what about South America?
Brazilian news outlet G1 is reporting that during the first 12 hours of the PS4’s launch in Brazil no units have been sold. Reportedly, boxes have been left to collect dust at retailers across the country.
It’s not necessarily that the console is unattractive, but rather that its price point is. Unlike the $399 Americans paid, or the £349.00 British price, Brazil has a PS4 price that equates to $1850 U.S. Dollars, making it the most expensive launch console in history.
Sony says the price is a result of import fees, and you can’t shame it for trying to offer its new console to as many territories as possible. But really, nobody is going to buy any console at $1850 unless it’s plated gold or prints $100 bills. Not now, not ever.