Microsoft is “Listening to the Fans” for the Xbox One’s Future

Microsoft is listening to fan feedback when it comes to the Xbox One’s future, according to Director of Programming Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb.

Speaking to, Hryb said: “If you look back at the Xbox 360’s launch, what it was in 2006 when it launched is completely different from what it is now. We didn’t even have things like the party system or the ability to support external storage when we launched the Xbox 360. So we are absolutely committed to adding new features to the Xbox One over the course of its life span.

“We’re going to continue to refine the system and make it what the Xbox fans are expecting and what they want. We’re listening to the feedback every single day. I’ve already seen some changes in the operating system internally with what we’re building.”

In the interview, Hryb also defended Microsoft’s continued push of entertainment features on the Xbox One, saying: “There’s no reason why you can’t have an extremely powerful game console that also does entertainment. Why does there have to be an ‘and or?’. We need to be able to have something that’s both.

“When that console isn’t being used for playing a game, that means perhaps the gamer wants to watch some streaming media. Why not design a system that can handle that as well, and switch between the two?”

We love the Xbox One, but there is still some concern that with so many features Microsoft wants its customers to utilise, the system could wind up being a Jack of all trades, master of none. Hopefully that’s not the case, though.

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