Wanna know what’s happening on the web this week? GIFs with sound, pot buyers come round, Michael Bay can’t expound, worst dating profile found, and way above ground. Here’s the week in viral:
GIFs: Now With Sound
So… they’re videos again? I like this, but I’m confused.
The First Guy To Buy Legal, Non-Medical Marijuana In Colorado

Is he psyched to get stoned or scared to get stoned? [via]
Michael Bay Leaves CES 2014 In Vegas
It looks like his brain just exploded.
The Worst Online Dating Profile Ever

I bet the people who responded to her feel OKStupid. [More]
Rope Swing Zipline – NFL Stadium
My turn!
See you next week for more linking and more toking.
Geoffrey Golden is a bestselling author and Editor-in-Chief of The Devastator comedy magazine.