Gaming Around the Web: January 11th, 2014

ActionTrip – Rambo is being revived for a new game. I’ll let you be the judge as to whether or not it looks good.

Rambo The Video Game Trailer

Destructoid – Wondering how Valve’s eccentric Steam Controller fares? Check out Destructoid’s write-up.

Opinion: The Steam Controller deserves a fair shot

DestructoidBeyond: Two Souls might have been on our Most Disappointing Games of 2013 list, but it sold well. That’s all that matters for Sony and Quantic Dream.

Beyond two sales: Beyond sold over a million copies

GameRevolution – If you’re looking for a good laugh this Xbox One trolling video might make your day.

Best Trolling Ever For Xbox One

GameRevolution – Here are some games you probably missed last year.

The Best Games You Missed In 2013

Gaming Blend – Nintendo is worth more than Sony. No, seriously. It’s true. P.S. Thanks 3DS!

Nintendo Is Now Worth More Than Sony

PlayStation LifeStyleLightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII is out in Japan. So, is it good? Check out this review to find out!

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Review (PS3 Import)

PlayStation LifeStyleBattlefield 4 is in such dire straights that now Sony is lending a hand.

Sony is Working With EA to Fix Battlefield 4′s Online Problems, “It Reflects on the Platform as Well”


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