Gaming Around the Web: January 18th, 2014

ActionTrip – The demand for Grand Theft Auto V on PC has grown substantially over the past couple months. Will Rockstar Games listen? Where there’s money, there’s a way.

GTA 5 Petition Over 650,000 Signatures

Destructoid – Do you like booth babes? One marketer says they serve no monetary purpose.

‘Booth babes don’t work’ says marketer Spencer Chen

Destructoid – HBO Go is coming to the PlayStation family. That means you can watch exclusive shows like Game of Thrones from your PS4.

HBO Go coming to the PlayStation 3 and the PS4

GameRevolution – We shared our most anticipated games of 2014 with you, but how about GR’s? Check out the top 10 list to find out.

The 10 Most Anticipated Games Of 2014

GameRevolution – There were a lot of underrated games during the last generation. Here’s just a small handful of them.

Top 7 Most Underrated Games Of Last Generation

Gaming BlendTitanfall‘s alpha is underway, and leaked footage paints a very exciting picture for FPS fans.

Xbox One’s Titanfall Alpha Gameplay Video Actually Looks Good

PlayStation LifeStyle – If you’re curious what’s to come in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, its trophy list offers some hints. But beware, there are spoilers!

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes’ 15 Achievements Revealed

PlayStation LifeStyle – Microsoft’s Major Nelson wants to make love, not war.

Xbox’s Major Nelson: PS4 & Xbox One “Will Sell a Ton”; “Sony has Done a Good Job”


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