Nintendo CEO Takes 50% Pay Reduction In Lieu of Wii U Struggles

Nintendo’s adjustment of its sales forecast was a huge blow to the company, leading to problematic insecurity with its investors. But what is it going to do to get things back on track?

As the first step toward righting Nintendo’s wobbly ship, Iwata will take a 50% pay cut for the February to June period. Additionally, Genyo Takeda and Shigeru Miyamoto will take 30% pay reductions for the same time frame.

Iwata took a similar pay cut when the 3DS was struggling. These actions are more of a sign of good will rather than a budgetary move.

Nintendo is expected to announce some of its new strategies during the next month. One of those announcements is almost certain to be a focus on mobile gaming, an area where Nintendo has neglected for years.

The pressure is on Nintendo right now to deliver. The 3DS is doing exceptionally well, but the company has lost a huge foothold in the console market. It has also lost some trust with its fanbase that won’t be easy to regain. 

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