Watch This Guy Prank Xbox One Gamers with the Gamertag ‘Xbox Bing’

You may have already seen the video where YouTuber videogames heads into Call of Duty: Ghosts with the gamertag ‘XBOX TURN OFF’. It proved hilarious for viewers at the expense of some unfortunate gamers who nearly turned off their console in the middle of a multiplayer match. Well, he’s at it again, this time with a new username.

In videogames‘ latest video he registers the Xbox One gamertag ‘XBOX BING’ and heads back into Call of Duty: Ghosts‘ multiplayer arena. Unlike with the previous prank which simply opened up an option overlay, the Xbox Bing voice command opens up a fullscreen window rendering your character mobile until you minimize the new window. Some gamers found that out the hard way this weekend, and this video is the proof.

See below for a good laugh:

The Kinect isn’t so bad after all.

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