Sony Goes On PS Vita Offensive Strike, Confirms 100 Games for 2014 and Slim U.S. Release

To say the PS Vita isn’t doing well is as factual as it is disappointing. But Sony is doing something about it, and pronto.

Sony has confirmed that over 100 games will release for the PS Vita during the 2014 calendar year. In an effort to get the hardware into more consumer hands, the PS Vita Slim, which has been successful in Japan since its release on October 10th of last year, will launch during Spring in North America. Made better, Borderlands 2 will be included at no additional cost for $199.99 MSRP.

The PS Vita Slim is thinner, lighter, and holds a longer battery charge than the current model.

Some of the hottest games confirmed for a 2014 release are:

  • God of War®: Collection
  • MLB®14 The Show
  • The Sly Collection
  • Invizimals™: The Alliance
  • Murasaki Baby
  • FINAL FANTASY® X HD Remaster and FINAL FANTASY® X-2 HD Remaster
  • Hohokum
  • Helldivers
  • Destiny of Spirits
  • No Heroes Allowed: No Puzzles Either!
  • BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma
  • The Walking Dead: Season Two and The Wolf Among Us
  • Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
  • Minecraft
  • Metrico
  • Fez
  • 1001 Spikes

Sony has a history of supporting its hardware for many years. The PS Vita’s predecessor, the PSP, is still being sold at retailers nine years after its launch, although software has withered away outside of Japan.

The PS Vita is still the go-to option for those who want to play games that demand two analog sticks and good hardware specs while on the go. Whether or not these admirable efforts by Sony will breath life into the device remains to be seen.

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