Thief’s A.I. Was “Dumbed Down” to Make Game More Fun

In the case of Thief, Eidos Montreal’s design may have made the A.I. a little too strong. So, they’ve decided to dumb it down a bit to make the game’s levels more of a playground than a grind.

On the topic of A.I., Thief Game Director Nic Cantin told ArabicGamers:

​With the AI they did something that was really good, but when you were trying to distract a guard in that direction for example, they were so intelligent he’d anticipate you and find you and there’d be a big fight.

He continued:

It was too realistic at some points and we had to balance those elements and spend a lot of time with AI to make sure there is no anticipation.

In the event that the A.I. has been dumbed down a little too much, the game not only has several difficulty settings but even a custom difficulty setting option where you can force no visible UI, no alerts, no knockouts, and more. Those looking for a challenge will find it one way or another.

Thief will release on Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3, and PC on February 25th.

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