Daylight Release Date and Price Revealed

One of this year’s most horrifying games is only a couple months away, and it won’t cost you very much. Furthermore, you have little reason to skip it… well, unless you enjoy getting eight hours of sleep every night.

Daylight will release on PS4 and PC on April 8th. Priced at $14.99, it will only be available through digital distribution.

I had a chance to play Daylight at E3 last year, and can attest to its scare factor. Its levels are procedurally generated so every hallway is unpredictable. You can never know for certain where the next objective is, or when a horror will creep up no matter how many times you play a level.

It was revealed this week that Daylight will be the first game to fully feature Interactive Twitch Broadcasting. Those watching your stream can impact the game world by executing sound effects and more. Also, there’s 3D support, so if you really want to test your mettle, then you have the option.

Below is the debut trailer for the game to give you a better idea of what to expect:

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