Knack Leads Top 5 Most Popular Games at PS4’s Japan Launch

Famitsu has published the software sales for the PS4’s launch in Japan, and they’re relatively surprising. Leading the pack is Knack (a game we awarded a 4.5/10), which for the record was included in a popular bundle with the console. Two other Western games, Battlefield 4 and Killzone: Shadow Fall, also made the top 5 list.

Below are the PS4’s five most popular games in Japan right now:

#1. Knack

322,083 units sold

#2. Yakuza Restoration

73,086 units sold

#3. Battlefield 4 

26,878 units sold

#4. Killzone: Shadow Fall

25,978 units sold 

#5. Dynasty Warriors 7 

13,576 units sold

The PS4’s hardware sales were successful with 320,000 units total during the first two days. While that number is half of what the PS2 was able to achieve, it gives Sony’s console a big edge over the Xbox One which isn’t even available in Japan.

Similar to North America, Japan has a PS4 game drought to deal with while developers put the finishing touches on their first PS4 releases. While Western gamers are excited to get their hands on inFamous: Second Son, Japanese gamers are itching to play Natural Doctrine next month. Both games should give the console much increased value to compete against a post-Titanfall Xbox One.

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